
32の高齢者施設、被害状況わからず 「DMAT」95隊が支援


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Here are 30 intermediate and advanced level words from the article:

|Word (Furigana)| JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning | |—————–|————|—————-|———| |観測 (かんそく)| N2 | Noun | observation | |公表 (こうひょう)| N2 | Noun | announcement | |調べる (しらべる)| N4 | Verb (ru-verb) | to investigate | |派遣 (はけん)| N2 | Noun | dispatch | |治療 (ちりょう)| N3 | Noun | medical treatment | |搬送 (はんそう)| N2 | Noun | transportation | |報告 (ほうこく)| N3 | Noun | report | |断水 (だんすい)| N1 | Noun | water outage | |損傷 (そんしょう)| N1 | Noun | damage | |避難 (ひなん)| N3 | Noun | evacuation | |確認 (かくにん)| N4 | Noun | confirmation | |停電 (ていでん)| N2 | Noun | power outage | |協力 (きょうりょく)| N3 | Noun | cooperation | |聞き取る (ききとる)| N2 | Verb (ru-verb) | to listen and understand | |活動 (かつどう)| N3 | Noun | activity | |復旧 (ふっきゅう)| N1 | Noun | restoration | |給水 (きゅうすい)| N1 | Noun | water supply | |貯水槽 (ちょすいそう)| N1 | Noun | water tank | |給水車 (きゅうすいしゃ)| N1 | Noun | water truck | |陸路 (りくろ)| N1 | Noun | land route | |渋滞 (じゅうたい)| N2 | Noun | traffic jam | |整える (ととのえる)| N3 | Verb (ru-verb) | to arrange |

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 被災地では、32の高齢者施設と連絡がとれず被害状況がわからないとしており、引き続き調べる方針。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the causative form (~させる) and the potential form (~られる).
    2. Structure of the sentence: The causative form とれず (unable to contact) is used with the potential form 被害状況がわからない (unable to understand the extent of the damage), indicating that the subject (presumably the authorities) is unable to contact the 32 elderly care facilities and therefore unable to understand the extent of the damage. The phrase 引き続き調べる方針 means “continuing to investigate.”
  • Sentence 2: ただ、4日夕時点で石川県にある32の高齢者施設、4障害者施設と連絡がとれていないという。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence uses the ている form to indicate a continuous state.
    2. Structure of the sentence: The phrase 連絡がとれていないという indicates that as of the evening of the 4th, there is a continuous state of being unable to contact the 32 elderly care facilities and 4 facilities for people with disabilities in Ishikawa Prefecture.
  • Sentence 3: DMATは特に避難患者が多い石川県の市立輪島病院、珠洲市総合病院、公立能登総合病院の3病院を中心に活動している。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence uses the ている form to indicate a continuous action.
    2. Structure of the sentence: The phrase 避難患者が多い (many evacuees) modifies the noun 石川県の市立輪島病院、珠洲市総合病院、公立能登総合病院の3病院, indicating that the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) is primarily active at these three hospitals, where there are many evacuees.


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