104人犠牲のデパート火災から50年 遺族「最後の年にしないで」
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N3 | Verb | to pass away |
発生する (はっせいする) | N3 | Verb | to occur |
振り返る (ふりかえる) | N3 | Verb | to look back |
捧げる (ささげる) | N3 | Verb | to offer |
立つ (たつ) | N5 | Verb | to stand |
合わせる (あわせる) | N3 | Verb | to put hands together |
巻き込む (まきこむ) | N3 | Verb | to involve |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N3 | Verb | to pass away |
知る (しる) | N5 | Verb | to know |
持つ (もつ) | N5 | Verb | to have |
聞く (きく) | N5 | Verb | to hear |
聞かされる (きかされる) | N2 | Verb | to be told |
強い (つよい) | N5 | Adjective | strong |
真っ黒 (まっくろ) | N/A | Adjective | pitch black |
弱い (よわい) | N5 | Adjective | weak |
つらい (つらい) | N5 | Adjective | painful |
様子 (ようす) | N3 | Noun | state, appearance |
最後 (さいご) | N4 | Noun | last, end |
年 (ねん) | N5 | Noun | year |
注目 (ちゅうもく) | N2 | Noun | attention |
節目 (ふしめ) | N/A | Noun | milestone |
火災 (かさい) | N2 | Noun | fire |
発生 (はっせい) | N2 | Noun | occurrence |
慰霊碑 (いれいひ) | N/A | Noun | memorial monument |
犠牲者 (ぎせいしゃ) | N/A | Noun | victim |
緑地 (りょくち) | N/A | Noun | green space |
火事 (かじ) | N3 | Noun | fire |
消防訓練 (しょうぼうくんれん) | N/A | Noun | fire drill |
商業施設 (しょうぎょうしせつ) | N/A | Noun | commercial facility |
原因 (げんいん) | N3 | Noun | cause |
理由 (りゆう) | N4 | Noun | reason |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Grammatical points:
- The use of から (kara) to indicate the starting point of an action or event.
- The use of となった (to natta) to express that a certain period of time has passed.
- Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with the phrase “発生から” (happening from), indicating the starting point of the event. Then, it uses “29日で50年となった” (29-nichi de 50-nen to natta) to express that 50 years have passed since the occurrence.
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Grammatical points:
- The use of には (ni wa) to indicate the location or target of an action.
- The use of ながら (nagara) to express the simultaneous occurrence of two actions or states.
- Structure of the sentence:
- The phrase “慰霊碑には” (ireihi ni wa) indicates the location where the action takes place. Then, “遺族らが訪れ、多くの犠牲者を出した惨事と半世紀の月日を振り返りながら” (izoku-ra ga otozure, ooku no giseisha o dashita sanji to hanseiki no tsukihi o furikaeri nagara) describes the simultaneous actions of family members visiting and reflecting on the tragic event and the passage of half a century.
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Grammatical points:
- The use of ため (tame) to indicate the reason or cause of an action.
- The use of と振り返る (to furikaeru) to express looking back on a past event or experience.
- Structure of the sentence:
- The phrase “それ以上に” (sore ijou ni) introduces the main point of comparison. Then, “「ずっと忘れたいと思っていた母の苦しみを知り、つらかった」と振り返る” (‘zutto wasuretai to omotte ita haha no kurushimi o shiri, tsurakatta’ to furikaeru) describes the speaker looking back on the realization of their mother’s suffering, which was even more difficult than the physical effects of the fire.
- Grammatical points:
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