開発中の薬、ハンセン病患者に繰り返し投与 戦中の療養所、死亡例も
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
強制隔離 (きょうせいかくり) | N2 | Noun | isolation, quarantine |
繰り返す (くりかえす) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to repeat |
死亡例 (しぼうれい) | N2 | Noun | death case |
確認 (かくにん) | N3 | Noun | confirmation |
提出 (ていしゅつ) | N2 | Noun | submission |
臨床 (りんしょう) | N2 | Noun | clinical |
倫理 (りんり) | N2 | Noun | ethics |
人権 (じんけん) | N2 | Noun | human rights |
薬剤 (やくざい) | N2 | Noun | medication |
感光色素 (かんこうしきそ) | N1 | Noun | photosensitive pigment |
応用 (おうよう) | N2 | Noun | application |
研究 (けんきゅう) | N3 | Noun | research |
投与 (とうよ) | N2 | Noun | administration (of medicine) |
回復 (かいふく) | N3 | Noun | recovery |
期待 (きたい) | N3 | Noun | expectation |
加わる (くわわる) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to participate |
記す (しるす) | N2 | Verb (Godan) | to record |
死因 (しいん) | N2 | Noun | cause of death |
相関 (そうかん) | N1 | Noun | correlation |
頻度 (ひんど) | N2 | Noun | frequency |
量 (りょう) | N3 | Noun | amount |
内服 (ないふく) | N1 | Noun | oral administration |
皮下注射 (ひかちゅうしゃ) | N1 | Noun | subcutaneous injection |
注入 (ちゅうにゅう) | N1 | Noun | injection |
効果 (こうか) | N3 | Noun | effect |
増悪 (ぞうあく) | N1 | Noun | deterioration |
倦怠 (けんたい) | N1 | Noun | fatigue |
充血 (じゅうけつ) | N2 | Noun | congestion |
障害 (しょうがい) | N3 | Noun | obstacle |
疼痛 (とうつう) | N1 | Noun | pain |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: かつてハンセン病患者が強制隔離されていた国立療養所「菊池恵楓園」(熊本県合志市)で、第2次大戦中から戦後にかけて、開発中の薬を投与する試験が入所者に繰り返され、強い副作用や死亡例が確認された後も続いていたとする調査報告書を、同園の歴史資料館運営委員会がまとめ、24日、園の「臨床倫理及び人権問題委員会」に提出した。
- Grammatical points: This sentence contains multiple relative clauses and nominalization, making it complex.
- Structure: The sentence starts with the main clause describing the action of submitting a research report to a committee. Then, it includes a long relative clause describing the content of the report, followed by additional information about who compiled the report and when it was submitted.
Sentence 2: 薬剤は「虹波(こうは)」。報告書の基礎資料で、朝日新聞が開示請求で入手した文書資料によると、感光色素であるクリプトシアニンを成分とした薬剤で、旧陸軍が凍傷ややけどの治療など寒冷地での作戦への応用に着目し、熊本医科大(現・熊本大医学部)の波多野輔久教授に研究を委託した。
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes a series of explanations and descriptions linked by particles and conjunctions.
- Structure: The sentence introduces a drug called “虹波” and then provides detailed information about its composition, origin, and the research conducted by Professor 波多野輔久 at 熊本医科大.
Sentence 3: 投与は、1週間に1回0.1ミリグラムから1日1回120ミリグラムまで投与の頻度や量を変えたほか、内服や皮下注射、皮膚に塗るだけでなく、脊髄(せきずい)、肛門(こうもん)や膣(ちつ)への注入など様々な方法で試した。
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes a list of different methods of drug administration using the particle “や” to indicate additional items in the list.
- Structure: The sentence describes the various methods of drug administration, starting with changing the frequency and dosage, then listing different routes of administration such as oral, subcutaneous injection, topical application, and even injection into the spinal cord, anus, and vagina.
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