陸自無人偵察機が演習場外の牧草地に墜落、けが人なし 北海道で7月
7月1日にち に鹿追町の然別演習場で、自動操縦でプログラミングされた飛行経路を飛ぶ訓練を行っていたところ、午後0時37分に通信が途絶したという。周辺を捜索したところ、約30分後に演習場の東側境界から約80メートル離れた民有の牧草地で見つかった。天候は晴れだった。
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
陸上自衛隊 (りくじょうじえいたい) | N2 | noun | ground self-defense force |
偵察機 (ていさつき) | N2 | noun | reconnaissance aircraft |
演習 (えんしゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | exercise; to practice |
飛行 (ひこう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | flight; to fly |
訓練 (くんれん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | training; to train |
通信 (つうしん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | communication; to communicate |
途絶 (とざ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | interruption; to be interrupted |
墜落 (ついらく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | crash; to crash |
けが (けが) | N3 | noun | injury |
報告 (ほうこく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | report; to report |
公表 (こうひょう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | public announcement; to announce |
情報 (じょうほう) | N3 | noun | information |
災害 (さいがい) | N2 | noun | disaster |
収集 (しゅうしゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | collection; to collect |
自動 (じどう) | N2 | noun/な-adjective | automatic |
操縦 (そうじゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | control; to operate |
プログラミング (ぷろぐらみんぐ) | N2 | noun | programming |
経路 (けいろ) | N2 | noun | route |
捜索 (そうさく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | search; to search |
天候 (てんこう) | N2 | noun | weather |
晴れ (はれ) | N3 | noun/な-adjective | clear weather; sunny |
原因 (げんいん) | N2 | noun | cause |
調査 (ちょうさ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | investigation; to investigate |
再発 (さいはつ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | recurrence; to recur |
防止 (ぼうし) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | prevention; to prevent |
まとまる (まとまる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to be settled |
中止 (ちゅうし) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | suspension; to suspend |
説明 (せつめい) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | explanation; to explain |
地元 (じもと) | N2 | noun | local |
自治体 (じちたい) | N2 | noun | local government |
地権者 (ちけんしゃ) | N2 | noun | landowner |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to advance; to promote |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 陸自は事故後、警察や地元自治体、地権者などに報告したが、公表していなかった。
Grammatical Points:
- 事故後 (じこご): This is a compound noun meaning “after the accident.” The suffix 後 indicates a time reference.
- 報告したが (ほうこくしたが): This is the past tense of the verb 報告する (to report) combined with the conjunction が, which indicates a contrast or an unexpected result.
- 公表していなかった (こうひょうしていなかった): This is the negative past form of the verb 公表する (to announce) in the continuous form, indicating that the action of announcing did not take place.
- The sentence starts with the subject (陸自 - the Ground Self-Defense Force) followed by the time reference (事故後 - after the accident). It then presents a series of objects (警察や地元自治体、地権者など - police, local governments, landowners, etc.) that were reported to, followed by the main verb (報告した - reported). The conjunction が introduces a contrasting clause that states that the action of public announcement did not occur (公表していなかった).
Sentence: 同旅団によると無人機は、災害時などの情報収集にあたる第5情報隊の「スキャンイーグル2」(全長1.7メートル、全幅3.1メートル、重さ26.5キロ)。
Grammatical Points:
- によると: This phrase means “according to” and is used to indicate the source of information.
- あたる: This verb means “to be in charge of” or “to correspond to,” and in this context, it indicates the role of the unmanned aircraft.
- 全長 (ぜんちょう), 全幅 (ぜんぷく), 重さ (おもさ): These are compound nouns meaning “total length,” “total width,” and “weight,” respectively.
- The sentence begins with the phrase indicating the source of information (同旅団によると - according to the same brigade). It then introduces the subject (無人機 - unmanned aircraft) and describes its purpose (災害時などの情報収集にあたる - responsible for information gathering during disasters, etc.). The sentence concludes with a specification of the unmanned aircraft’s model and its dimensions in parentheses.
Sentence: 同旅団で原因調査を進め、再発防止策がまとまるまで飛行を中止する。
Grammatical Points:
- 進め (すすめ): This is the te-form of the verb 進める (to advance or proceed), used here to connect actions.
- 再発防止策 (さいはつぼうしさく): This compound noun means “measures to prevent recurrence,” where 再発 (recurrence) and 防止 (prevention) are combined with 策 (measures).
- まとまるまで: This phrase means “until it is settled” or “until it is organized,” where まで indicates a limit in time.
- The sentence begins with the subject (同旅団 - the same brigade) and the action they are taking (原因調査を進め - proceeding with the investigation of the cause). It then connects to the next action (再発防止策がまとまるまで - until the measures to prevent recurrence are settled) and concludes with the main action (飛行を中止する - will suspend flights). The use of the te-form allows for a smooth transition between the actions.
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