
生活保護受給者にわいせつな行為 就労支援相談員の男性を懲戒免職


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
就労 (しゅうろう)N2Nounemployment
支援 (しえん)N2Nounsupport
相談 (そうだん)N3Nounconsultation
受給者 (じゅきゅうしゃ)N1Nounrecipient
懲戒 (ちょうかい)N1Noundisciplinary action
免職 (めんしょく)N1Noundismissal from office
処分 (しょぶん)N2Noundisposal
発表 (はっぴょう)N3Nounannouncement
認める (みとめる)N3Verb (ru)to admit
話す (はなす)N5Verb (u)to speak
誘う (さそう)N3Verb (u)to invite
触る (さわる)N3Verb (u)to touch
言う (いう)N5Verb (u)to say
訪れる (おとずれる)N3Verb (ru)to visit
及ぶ (およぶ)N2Verb (u)to reach
判断 (はんだん)N3Nounjudgment
基づく (もとづく)N2Verb (u)to be based on
委託 (いたく)N1Nounconsignment
障害者 (しょうがいしゃ)N2Noundisabled person
総合 (そうごう)N2Nouncomprehensive
対象 (たいしょう)N2Nountarget
扱い (あつかい)N2Nountreatment
処理 (しょり)N2Nounprocessing
委託先 (いたくさき)N1Nounconsignee
追納 (ついのう)N1Nounpayment of taxes
延滞税 (えんたいぜい)N1Noundelinquent tax
周知 (しゅうち)N1Nounpublic knowledge
補正 (ほせい)N1Nouncorrection
提出 (ていしゅつ)N2Nounsubmission

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 職員は行為を認め、「好意があった」と話しているという。
  1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the reported speech pattern, where the speaker’s words are being reported by someone else.
  2. Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “職員” (shokuin - staff member), followed by the topic marker “は” (wa). Then, the action of admitting the behavior is described using the verb “認め” (mitome - to admit) in the past tense. After that, the reported speech is introduced with the quotation marks “「」” and the conjunction “と” (to) indicating that the following words are being reported. The reported speech itself is “好意があった” (kōi ga atta - had good intentions).
  • 同課は「相談員と受給者という断りづらい関係性の中で行為に及んでおり、悪質性が高い」と判断した。
  1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the relative clause “相談員と受給者という断りづらい関係性の中で行為に及んでおり、悪質性が高い” (sōdan’in to jukyūsha to iu kotowari-zurai kankei-sei no naka de kōi ni oyonde ori, akushitsu-sei ga takai), which modifies the noun “関係性” (kankei-sei - relationship).
  2. Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the topic “同課” (dōka - the same section), followed by the topic marker “は” (wa). Then, the relative clause is introduced with the quotation marks “「」” and the conjunction “と” (to) indicating that the following words are being quoted. The relative clause describes the situation in which the behavior occurred, using the verb “及んでおり” (oyonde ori - to have occurred) in the continuous form, and concludes with the judgment “悪質性が高い” (akushitsu-sei ga takai - high level of malice).
  • 市は27日、障害者総合支援法に基づいて外部に委託している障害者相談支援事業と発達障害者支援センター運営事業について、消費税の課税対象であるにもかかわらず、非課税扱いで処理していたと発表した。
  1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the complex structure of describing an action that was contrary to what was expected or required.
  2. Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “市” (shi - city), followed by the topic marker “は” (wa). Then, the date “27日” (nijūnichi - the 27th) is mentioned, followed by the description of the action taken by the city. The action is described using the verb “発表した” (happyō shita - announced) in the past tense. The action itself is described in a complex clause, detailing the discrepancy between the expected and actual treatment of the specified businesses in relation to consumption tax.


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