
ガラス玉のような新種クラゲを発見 触手なく エサの取り方は謎


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
透き通る (すきとおる)N2godan verbto be transparent
判明する (はんめいする)N2irregular verbto become clear
発見する (はっけんする)N2irregular verbto discover
属する (ぞくする)N2irregular verbto belong to
依頼する (いらいする)N2irregular verbto request
成功する (せいこうする)N2irregular verbto succeed
調査する (ちょうさする)N2irregular verbto investigate
明らかにする (あきらかにする)N2irregular verbto clarify
直径 (ちょっけい)N2noundiameter
宝石 (ほうせき)N2nounjewel
構造 (こうぞう)N2nounstructure
種類 (しゅるい)N3nountype, kind
研究 (けんきゅう)N3nounresearch
確認する (かくにんする)N2irregular verbto confirm
触手 (しょくしゅ)N2nountentacle
育つ (そだつ)N2godan verbto grow
感じる (かんじる)N3godan verbto feel
分かる (わかる)N3godan verbto understand
研究者 (けんきゅうしゃ)N2nounresearcher
体験 (たいけん)N2nounexperience
直面する (ちょくめんする)N2irregular verbto face (a challenge)
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
複雑 (ふくざつ)N2な-adjectivecomplex
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
変化 (へんか)N2nounchange
知識 (ちしき)N2nounknowledge
進化 (しんか)N2nounevolution
期待する (きたいする)N2irregular verbto expect
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
重要視する (じゅうようしする)N2irregular verbto regard as important
直感 (ちょっかん)N2nounintuition

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「新種のクラゲを発見したのは、公益財団法人黒潮生物研究所の戸篠祥・主任研究員(系統分類学)らのグループ。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「新種のクラゲを発見したのは」: This phrase uses the nominalizer 「の」 to turn the verb phrase into a noun phrase, indicating that the subject of the sentence is the act of discovering the new species of jellyfish.
      • 「ら」: This particle is used to indicate a group or a collection of people, implying that there are multiple members in the group.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject (the act of discovering the new jellyfish), followed by the topic marker 「は」. The rest of the sentence identifies the group responsible for the discovery, specifying the organization and the lead researcher.
  2. 「静岡県に住む水中写真家の峯水亮さんが、2018年から22年にかけて、沖縄県糸満市沖と久米島沖でこのクラゲの撮影に成功。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「にかけて」: This expression indicates a time span, meaning “over the period from 2018 to 2022.”
      • 「成功」: This noun means “success,” and in this context, it is used as a verb phrase meaning “succeeded in photographing.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject (the underwater photographer), followed by a time expression indicating the duration of the activity. The main verb phrase describes the successful action of photographing the jellyfish, with additional location details provided at the end.
  3. 「戸篠さんは「海の中はまだ分からないことだらけ。このクラゲがどんな場所で育ち、どうやってエサを取るのか、今後の研究で明らかにしたい」と話す。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「だらけ」: This expression means “full of” or “a lot of,” indicating that there are many unknowns in the ocean.
      • 「のか」: This is a question marker used in indirect questions, suggesting uncertainty about how the jellyfish feeds.
      • 「明らかにしたい」: This phrase expresses a desire to clarify or reveal something in the future.
    • Structure:

      • The first part of the sentence presents a statement about the ocean being full of unknowns. The second part introduces an indirect question about the jellyfish’s habitat and feeding method, culminating in a desire to clarify these points through future research. The sentence is structured as a quotation, indicating what 戸篠さん said.


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