「特定少年」の被告に死刑判決 当時19歳 殺人放火事件で甲府地裁
Here are 30 intermediate and advanced words from the article, along with their details:
|Word (Furigana)| JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning | |—————–|————|—————-|———| |全焼 (ぜんしょう)| N2 | Noun | complete burning | |焼け跡 (やけあと)| N2 | Noun | remains of a fire | |遺体 (いたい)| N2 | Noun | dead body | |裁判員 (さいばんいん)| N1 | Noun | lay judge | |判決 (はんけつ)| N2 | Noun | judgment | |裁判長 (さいばんちょう)| N1 | Noun | presiding judge | |刑事責任能力 (けいじせきにんのうりょく)| N1 | Noun | criminal responsibility | |求刑 (きゅうけい)| N1 | Noun | claim for a penalty | |施行 (しこう)| N2 | Noun | enforcement | |実名報道 (じつめいほうどう)| N1 | Noun | reporting using real names | |起訴 (きそ)| N2 | Noun | prosecution | |起訴状 (きそじょう)| N1 | Noun | indictment | |争点 (そうてん)| N1 | Noun | point of contention | |論告 (ろんこく)| N1 | Noun | oral argument | |弁護側 (べんごがわ)| N1 | Noun | defense side | |最終弁論 (さいしゅうべんろん)| N1 | Noun | final plea | |精神障害 (せいしんしょうがい)| N1 | Noun | mental disorder | |限定的 (げんていてき)| N1 | Adjective | limited | |完全な (かんぜんな)| N2 | Adjective | complete | |著しく (いちじく)| N1 | Adverb | remarkably | |未明 (みめい)| N2 | Noun | early morning | |突き刺す (つきさす)| N1 | Verb (Godan) | to stab | |殺害 (さつがい)| N2 | Noun | killing | |負わせる (おわせる)| N1 | Verb (Ichidan) | to inflict | |火をつける (ひをつける)| N2 | Verb (Ichidan) | to set fire | |踏まえる (ふまえる)| N1 | Verb (Ichidan) | to take into consideration | |教育 (きょういく)| N4 | Noun | education | |処遇 (しょぐう)| N1 | Noun | treatment | |変わる (かわる)| N4 | Verb (Godan) | to change |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “見つかる” (to be found) in the passive voice, indicating that the bodies of the couple were found in the remains of the burned house.
- The verb “問われた” (to be charged) is in the passive voice, indicating that the accused was charged with four crimes.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The sentence describes the event where the bodies of a couple were found in the remains of a burned house, and it states that the accused in the Kofu City case was charged with four crimes, including murder and arson.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence discusses the amendment to the Juvenile Law, allowing for the possibility of publicizing the real names of 18 and 19-year-old “specific juveniles” when they are prosecuted for a crime.
- The phrase “実名報道が可能となった” (became possible to report real names) uses the potential form of the verb “なる” (to become) to indicate the change in possibility.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The sentence explains the change in the law regarding the publicizing of real names of specific juveniles when prosecuted for a crime, and it mentions that the accused, who was 19 years old at the time of the incident, was the first case where the prosecution announced the real name.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “殴る” (to strike) in the passive voice, indicating that the second daughter was injured by being struck on the head with a hatchet.
- The phrase “量刑が主な争点となった” (the main point of contention was the sentencing) uses the noun “争点” (point of contention) to describe the main issue of the trial.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The sentence discusses the trial, mentioning that the degree of the accused’s criminal responsibility and the sentencing were the main points of contention.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
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