
「貿易立国」の次は何で稼ぐ 日本経済の改善策、財務省で議論始まる


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
踏まえる (ふまえる)N2Verb (Godan)to take into consideration
洗い出す (あらいだす)N1Verb (Godan)to identify
改善 (かいぜん)N3Nounimprovement
議論 (ぎろん)N3Noundiscussion
有識者 (ゆうしきしゃ)N1Nounexpert
開く (ひらく)N4Verb (Godan)to hold (a meeting)
大学教授 (だいがくきょうじゅ)N2Noununiversity professor
専門家 (せんもんか)N2Nounspecialist
意見交換 (いけんこうかん)N2Nounexchange of opinions
構造転換 (こうぞうてんかん)N1Nounstructural transformation
促す (うながす)N2Verb (Godan)to promote
長らく (ながらく)N2Adverbfor a long time
支える (ささえる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to support
占める (しめる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to occupy
競争力 (きょうそうりょく)N2Nouncompetitiveness
低下 (ていか)N2Noundecline
高騰 (こうとう)N1Nounsoaring
拡大 (かくだい)N2Nounexpansion
続く (つづく)N4Verb (Godan)to continue
進む (すすむ)N4Verb (Godan)to advance
支える (ささえる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to support
還元 (かんげん)N1Nounreturn
限られる (かぎられる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to be limited
虚心坦懐 (きょしんたんかい)N1Nounopen-mindedness
非公開 (ひこうかい)N1Nounnon-disclosure
概要 (がいよう)N3Nounoutline
公表 (こうひょう)N2Nounannouncement

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • 〜を踏まえる: This is a set phrase meaning “based on; taking into consideration.”
      • 〜による: This is a way to express the doer of an action or the reason for something.
      • 〜を初めて開く: This structure indicates that an action is done for the first time.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The sentence talks about the Ministry of Finance holding a study group for the first time based on the fact that the trade and service balance is in a deficit trend. It explains the purpose of the study group and who will be participating in it.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • 〜による: This is a way to express the reason for something.
      • 〜を示す: This verb means “to show; to indicate.”
      • 〜を占める: This verb means “to occupy; to account for.”
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The sentence describes how Japan’s international balance of payments, which used to be dominated by a trade surplus, has been facing deficits due to various factors in recent years.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • 〜による: This is a way to express the reason for something.
      • 〜を支える: This verb means “to support.”
      • 〜が限られている: This structure means “to be limited.”
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The sentence explains how Japan’s current account surplus is supported by income from overseas investments, but only a limited amount of that income is reinvested domestically, posing challenges for the economy.


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