
明石商は2年連続の準優勝 主将・山内が仲間に問い続けた「悔しさ」


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28にじゅうはち日、だい106ひゃくろく全国ぜんこく高校こうこう野球やきゅう選手権せんしゅけん兵庫ひょうご大会たいかい決勝けっしょう 明石商あかししょう0―4報徳学園ほうとくがくえん








Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
敗退する (はいたいする)N2godan verbto be eliminated
悔しさ (くやしさ)N2nounregret
問い続ける (といづづける)N2ichidan verbto continue to ask
関係ない (かんけいない)N2i-adjectiveirrelevant
勝つ (かつ)N3godan verbto win
できる (できる)N5ichidan verbto be able to
模範 (もはん)N2nounmodel
努める (つとめる)N2ichidan verbto strive
徐々に (じょじょに)N2adverbgradually
堅い (かたい)N2i-adjectivesolid
逆転する (ぎゃくてんする)N2godan verbto reverse
挑む (いどむ)N2godan verbto challenge
膠着 (こうちゃく)N2nounstalemate
出塁する (しゅつるいする)N2godan verbto reach base
はじき返す (はじきかえす)N2godan verbto hit back
得点 (とくてん)N2nounscore
遠い (とおい)N3i-adjectivefar
堪える (たえる)N2ichidan verbto endure
あふれる (あふれる)N2ichidan verbto overflow
正しく (ただしく)N2adverbcorrectly
こつこつ (こつこつ)N2adverbsteadily
続ける (つづける)N3ichidan verbto continue
組織 (そしき)N2nounorganization
うまくいく (うまくいく)N2godan verbto go well
良い (よい)N3i-adjectivegood
たたえる (たたえる)N2ichidan verbto praise
主将 (しゅしょう)N2nouncaptain
生活態度 (せいかつたいど)N2nounlifestyle attitude
逃す (のがす)N2godan verbto miss
迎える (むかえる)N3ichidan verbto welcome
生活 (せいかつ)N5nounlife

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「悔しさはないんか?」と仲間に問い続けた。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 悔しさ (くやしさ): This noun means “regret” or “frustration.”
      • : Topic marker, indicating that “regret” is the topic of the sentence.
      • ない: Negative form of the verb ある, meaning “to exist.” Here, it indicates the absence of regret.
      • んか: A colloquial contraction of なのか, used to seek confirmation or clarification, often in a questioning tone.
      • 問い続けた (とい続けた): This is the past tense of the verb 問い続ける, which means “to continue asking.” The た ending indicates that the action has been completed.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is structured as a direct quote within a narrative. The speaker (主将) is asking his teammates if they feel any regret. The use of the colloquial form adds an informal tone, suggesting a sense of urgency or emotional investment in the question.
  2. 「出ている出ていないは関係ない。勝つために何ができるか」と考えた。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 出ている (でている): Present continuous form of 出る, meaning “to appear” or “to participate.” It indicates that someone is currently participating in the game.
      • 出ていない (でていない): Negative form of 出ている, meaning “not participating.”
      • : Topic marker, indicating that the participation status is the topic of the sentence.
      • 関係ない (かんけいない): A phrase meaning “does not matter” or “is irrelevant.”
      • 勝つために (かつために): A phrase meaning “in order to win,” where 勝つ is the verb “to win” and ために indicates purpose.
      • 何ができるか (なにができるか): A phrase meaning “what can be done,” where 何 (what) is the object and できる is the potential form of the verb する (to do).
    • Structure:

      • The sentence consists of two independent clauses. The first clause emphasizes that whether one is participating or not does not matter. The second clause expresses the thought process of considering what actions can be taken to achieve victory. The use of quotation marks indicates that this is the character’s internal dialogue.
  3. 「昨年悔しい思いをして。今年は甲子園に行きたかった」。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 昨年 (さくねん): Means “last year.”
      • 悔しい (くやしい): An adjective meaning “frustrating” or “regrettable.”
      • 思い (おもい): A noun meaning “feeling” or “thought.” In this context, it refers to the feelings of regret.
      • をして (をして): The verb する (to do) is used here to indicate experiencing or undergoing something.
      • 今年 (ことし): Means “this year.”
      • 甲子園 (こうしえん): Refers to the Koshien Stadium, a famous venue for high school baseball championships in Japan.
      • 行きたかった (いきたかった): The past tense of 行きたい (to want to go), indicating a desire that was not fulfilled.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is a direct quote expressing the speaker’s feelings about the previous year and their aspirations for the current year. The first part reflects on the regret from last year, while the second part expresses a desire to participate in the Koshien this year. The use of the past tense in the second clause indicates that this desire was not realized.


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