
尼崎がジャズに染まる 12日に「塚口ジャズ」、飲食店で演奏も


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
鳴り響く (なりひびく)N2godan verbto resound, to echo
開かれる (ひらかれる)N2ichidan verbto be held, to be opened
演奏する (えんそうする)N2irregular verbto perform (music)
企画する (きかくする)N2irregular verbto plan, to organize
思いつく (おもいつく)N2godan verbto think of, to come up with
盛り上げる (もりあげる)N2godan verbto liven up, to excite
感謝する (かんしゃする)N2irregular verbto thank, to express gratitude
緊張する (きんちょうする)N2irregular verbto be nervous
立てる (たてる)N2ichidan verbto stand up, to set up
満席 (まんせき)N2nounfull (seating), sold out
好評 (こうひょう)N2nounfavorable reputation
出身 (しゅっしん)N2nounorigin, birthplace
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
思って (おもって)N2godan verb (te-form)thinking (about)
うれしい (うれしい)N3い-adjectivehappy, glad
初めて (はじめて)N3adverbfor the first time
全力 (ぜんりょく)N2nounall one’s strength
楽しんでもらいたい (たのしんでもらいたい)N2godan verb (te-form)want (someone) to enjoy
企画 (きかく)N2nounplanning, project
出演 (しゅつえん)N2nounappearance (on stage)
参加 (さんか)N2nounparticipation
充実 (じゅうじつ)N2nounfulfillment, enrichment
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
期待 (きたい)N2nounexpectation
可能 (かのう)N2な-adjectivepossible
確認 (かくにん)N2nounconfirmation
参加者 (さんかしゃ)N2nounparticipant
体験 (たいけん)N2nounexperience
交流 (こうりゅう)N2nounexchange (of ideas, culture)
進行 (しんこう)N2nounprogress, advance
目標 (もくひょう)N2noungoal, objective
伝える (つたえる)N2ichidan verbto convey, to tell
参加する (さんかする)N2irregular verbto participate
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance, to promote

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「岡本さんもブラスアンサンブル部出身で、2年前は岡本さんの長男も所属していた。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「出身で」: This is a compound structure where 「出身」 (shusshin) means “origin” or “background,” and the particle 「で」 indicates a state or condition. It implies that Okamoto-san is from the brass ensemble club.
      • 「所属していた」: This is the past continuous form of the verb 「所属する」 (shozoku suru), meaning “to belong to.” The 「いた」 indicates that this was a state that existed in the past.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence consists of two clauses connected by 「で」. The first clause states Okamoto-san’s background, while the second clause provides additional information about his son belonging to the same club two years ago. The use of the past tense in the second clause emphasizes that this belonging is no longer current.
  2. 「こうして塚口ジャズを開催したところ、ピッコロシアターの大ホールがほぼ満席、屋外ステージやジャズナイトも好評だったという。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「こうして」: This phrase means “in this way” or “thus,” indicating that the following action is a result of the previous context.
      • 「開催したところ」: The phrase 「ところ」 here indicates a situation or condition that follows an action. It implies that after holding the event, something occurred.
      • 「という」: This is used to convey hearsay or information that has been reported. It indicates that the speaker is relaying information that may not be directly observed.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a causal phrase 「こうして」, leading into the main action of holding the jazz event. The second part describes the outcomes of the event, with two clauses: one about the hall being nearly full and another about the outdoor stage and jazz night being well-received. The use of 「という」 at the end suggests that this information is based on reports or observations rather than direct experience.
  3. 「演奏の機会をつくっていただき、感謝しかなかった。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「演奏の機会をつくっていただき」: This phrase uses the verb 「つくる」 (tsukuru) in the form of 「つくっていただき」, which is a humble way to express that someone has created an opportunity for the speaker. The use of 「いただき」 indicates gratitude towards the person who provided the opportunity.
      • 「感謝しかなかった」: This phrase means “there was nothing but gratitude.” The word 「しか」 is used to express exclusivity, indicating that the only feeling the speaker had was gratitude.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is composed of two parts: the first part expresses the action of creating an opportunity for performance, and the second part conveys the speaker’s feelings of gratitude. The conjunction 「、」 connects the two clauses, emphasizing the cause-and-effect relationship between the opportunity created and the gratitude felt. The overall structure highlights the speaker’s appreciation in a concise manner.


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