
「三拍子そろったアーティスト」 日本人女性悼む声 ラスベガス乱射


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
(お)きるN4Verbto occur, to happen
(おし)えるN4Verbto teach
(う)たれるN3Verbto be shot
(し)亡(ぼう)するN3Verbto die
(つ)くN4Verbto arrive
(はっ)砲(ぽう)するN1Verbto fire a gun
(う)けるN4Verbto receive
(とう)函(かん)するN2Verbto mail, to post
(さ)用(よう)するN3Verbto employ, to adopt
応募 (おうぼ)するN2Verbto apply for
(ひら)くN4Verbto hold, to open
(た)ち上(あ)げるN2Verbto establish
(と)用(よう)されるN3Verbto be employed
(すす)めるN4Verbto recommend
趣味 (しゅみ)だN3Nounhobby
(も)つN4Verbto have, to possess
(はな)すN4Verbto speak, to talk
(たず)れるN3Verbto visit
(うった)えるN2Verbto appeal, to sue
記録的 (きろくてき)なN1Adjectiverecord-breaking
正常 (せいじょう)だN2Adjectivenormal
(た)ち上(あ)がるN3Verbto stand up, to rise
余地 (よち)はないN1Expressionthere is no room for doubt
瞬間 (しゅんかん)N2Nounmoment
最後 (さいご)のN4Adjectivefinal
勇敢 (ゆうかん)だN1Adjectivebrave
五十嵐 (いがらし)Proper NounN/AIgara
大介 (だいすけ)Proper NounN/ADaisuke

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The passive form of the verb 撃つ (shoot) is used: 撃たれて死亡した (were shot and died).
      • The causative form of the verb 教える (teach) is used: 日本語を教えていた (was teaching Japanese).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The subject of the sentence is 日本人女性タケマル・ナオコさんら3人の教員 (Japanese woman Takemaru Naoko and three other teachers).
      • The passive form 撃たれて死亡した (were shot and died) is used to describe the action that happened to the subject.
      • The causative form 教えていた (was teaching) is used to indicate the action Takemaru Naoko was performing before the shooting.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The ていた form of the verb 着く (arrive) is used: 着くと (when arrived).
      • The た form of the verb 受ける (receive) is used: 受けて (received).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The clause 警官が同大構内の現場に着くと (when the police arrived at the scene on the campus) describes the timing of the action.
      • The た form 受けて (received) is used to indicate the action that happened to the subject 警官 (police).
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The た form of the verb 話す (speak) is used: 話した (spoke).
      • The た form of the verb 持つ (have) is used: 持ち主だった (was the owner of).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The subject of the sentence is 女性教員 (female teacher).
      • The た form 話した (spoke) is used to indicate the action that the female teacher performed.
      • The た form 持ち主だった (was the owner of) is used to describe the characteristic of the subject タケマルさん (Takemaru).


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