「三拍子そろったアーティスト」 日本人女性悼む声 ラスベガス乱射
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
起 (お)きる | N4 | Verb | to occur, to happen |
教 (おし)える | N4 | Verb | to teach |
撃 (う)たれる | N3 | Verb | to be shot |
死 (し)亡(ぼう)する | N3 | Verb | to die |
着 (つ)く | N4 | Verb | to arrive |
発 (はっ)砲(ぽう)する | N1 | Verb | to fire a gun |
受 (う)ける | N4 | Verb | to receive |
投 (とう)函(かん)する | N2 | Verb | to mail, to post |
採 (さ)用(よう)する | N3 | Verb | to employ, to adopt |
応募 (おうぼ)する | N2 | Verb | to apply for |
開 (ひら)く | N4 | Verb | to hold, to open |
立 (た)ち上(あ)げる | N2 | Verb | to establish |
採 (と)用(よう)される | N3 | Verb | to be employed |
勧 (すす)める | N4 | Verb | to recommend |
趣味 (しゅみ)だ | N3 | Noun | hobby |
持 (も)つ | N4 | Verb | to have, to possess |
話 (はな)す | N4 | Verb | to speak, to talk |
訪 (たず)れる | N3 | Verb | to visit |
訴 (うった)える | N2 | Verb | to appeal, to sue |
記録的 (きろくてき)な | N1 | Adjective | record-breaking |
正常 (せいじょう)だ | N2 | Adjective | normal |
立 (た)ち上(あ)がる | N3 | Verb | to stand up, to rise |
余地 (よち)はない | N1 | Expression | there is no room for doubt |
瞬間 (しゅんかん) | N2 | Noun | moment |
最後 (さいご)の | N4 | Adjective | final |
勇敢 (ゆうかん)だ | N1 | Adjective | brave |
五十嵐 (いがらし) | Proper Noun | N/A | Igara |
大介 (だいすけ) | Proper Noun | N/A | Daisuke |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The passive form of the verb 撃つ (shoot) is used: 撃たれて死亡した (were shot and died).
- The causative form of the verb 教える (teach) is used: 日本語を教えていた (was teaching Japanese).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The subject of the sentence is 日本人女性タケマル・ナオコさんら3人の教員 (Japanese woman Takemaru Naoko and three other teachers).
- The passive form 撃たれて死亡した (were shot and died) is used to describe the action that happened to the subject.
- The causative form 教えていた (was teaching) is used to indicate the action Takemaru Naoko was performing before the shooting.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The ていた form of the verb 着く (arrive) is used: 着くと (when arrived).
- The た form of the verb 受ける (receive) is used: 受けて (received).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The clause 警官が同大構内の現場に着くと (when the police arrived at the scene on the campus) describes the timing of the action.
- The た form 受けて (received) is used to indicate the action that happened to the subject 警官 (police).
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The た form of the verb 話す (speak) is used: 話した (spoke).
- The た form of the verb 持つ (have) is used: 持ち主だった (was the owner of).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The subject of the sentence is 女性教員 (female teacher).
- The た form 話した (spoke) is used to indicate the action that the female teacher performed.
- The た form 持ち主だった (was the owner of) is used to describe the characteristic of the subject タケマルさん (Takemaru).
- Explanation of grammatical points:
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