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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
虐殺 (ぎゃくさつ)N1Nounmassacre
認識 (にんしき)N2Nounrecognition
答弁 (とうべん)N2Nounresponse
限り (かぎり)N3Nounlimit
事実 (じじつ)N3Nounfact
事実関係 (じじつかんけい)N1Nounfacts and circumstances
記録 (きろく)N3Nounrecord
朝鮮人 (ちょうせんじん)N1NounKorean person
事件 (じけん)N4Nounincident
判決 (はんけつ)N2Nounjudgment
特赦 (とくしゃ)N1Nounamnesty
恩赦 (おんしゃ)N1Nounpardon
慰霊祭 (いれいさい)N1Nounmemorial service
記す (しるす)N3Verb (godan)to note
認める (みとめる)N3Verb (ichidan)to acknowledge
問う (とう)N2Verb (godan)to question
繰り返す (くりかえす)N3Verb (godan)to repeat
知る (しる)N4Verb (godan)to know
答える (こたえる)N4Verb (ichidan)to answer
行う (おこなう)N4Verb (godan)to conduct
申し上げる (もうしあげる)N2Verb (ichidan)to state
示す (しめす)N3Verb (godan)to show
尋ねる (たずねる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to ask
確定的 (かくていてき)N1Adjectivedefinitive
対する (たいする)N3Verb (suru verb)to face
連絡 (れんらく)N3Nouncontact
届ける (とどける)N3Verb (ichidan)to deliver
決定 (けってい)N3Noundecision
求める (もとめる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to request
確認 (かくにん)N3Nounconfirmation

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 群馬県藤岡市や埼玉県本庄市で自警団が警察署を襲い、保護されていた朝鮮人多数を殺害したとして実行犯らが有罪とされた事件について問われた松野博一官房長官は、「政府内に記録が見当たらない」などとする答弁を繰り返した。

    • Grammatical points: This sentence includes the causative form (~させる) and the passive form (~れる).
    • Structure of the sentence: The sentence describes an event where perpetrators who had killed a large number of Korean people who were under protection were questioned. The verb “殺害した” (killed) is in the causative form, indicating that the perpetrators caused the Korean people to be killed. The passive form “有罪とされた” (were found guilty) is used to indicate that the perpetrators were found guilty.
  2. 石垣氏は震災翌年の24年1月、朝鮮人を殺傷した者に対する特赦について記した閣議決定を示し「恩赦が行われた事実を認めるか」と尋ねた。

    • Grammatical points: This sentence includes the causative-passive form (~させられる) and the potential form (~ることができる).
    • Structure of the sentence: The sentence describes a situation where Mr. Ishigaki presented a cabinet decision that recorded the amnesty for those who had killed or injured Korean people in January of the following year after the earthquake. The phrase “恩赦が行われた事実を認めるか” (Do you acknowledge the fact that amnesty was granted) uses the potential form “認めるか” to indicate the ability to acknowledge the fact.
  3. 前埼玉県知事の上田清司氏(無所属、会派は国民民主党)も「本庄市など埼玉県の市や町でも朝鮮人虐殺の慰霊祭を行っている。記録は国会図書館に連絡し、浦和地裁などの判決を届けてもらった」としたうえで、「各府省で必要な確認をしたというが、いつどこで誰がどういう確認をしたのか、文書で答えてほしい」と政府に求めた。

    • Grammatical points: This sentence includes the causative-passive form (~させられる) and the potential form (~てもらう).
    • Structure of the sentence: The sentence describes Mr. Ueda, the former governor of Saitama Prefecture, stating that in cities and towns in Saitama Prefecture, including Honjo City, memorial services for the Korean people who were killed are being held. The phrase “浦和地裁などの判決を届けてもらった” (we received the judgments from courts such as the Urawa District Court) uses the potential form “届けてもらった” to indicate the action of receiving the judgments.


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