「休憩」も労働認定、未払い最大86億円か 東京地下鉄に是正勧告
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
泊まる (とまる) | N2 | godan verb | to stay overnight |
勤務 (きんむ) | N2 | noun | work; duty |
休憩 (きゅうけい) | N2 | noun | break; rest |
労働 (ろうどう) | N2 | noun | labor; work |
あたる (あたる) | N2 | godan verb | to hit; to apply to |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | announcement; to announce |
勧告 (かんこく) | N2 | noun | recommendation; advice |
対応 (たいおう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | correspondence; to respond |
突発 (とっぱつ) | N2 | な-adjective | sudden; unexpected |
事案 (じあん) | N2 | noun | case; incident |
保守 (ほしゅ) | N2 | noun | maintenance |
管理 (かんり) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | management; to manage |
故障 (こしょう) | N2 | noun | breakdown; failure |
対象 (たいしょう) | N2 | noun | target; subject |
割増 (わりまし) | N2 | noun | premium; additional payment |
賃金 (ちんぎん) | N2 | noun | wages; salary |
支払う (しはらう) | N2 | godan verb | to pay |
見通し (みとおし) | N2 | noun | outlook; forecast |
受け止める (うけとめる) | N1 | ichidan verb | to catch; to accept |
厳粛 (げんしゅく) | N1 | な-adjective | solemn; serious |
再発 (さいはつ) | N1 | noun/ichidan verb | recurrence; to recur |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N1 | godan verb | to tackle; to address |
設ける (もうける) | N1 | ichidan verb | to establish; to create |
判断 (はんだん) | N1 | noun/ichidan verb | judgment; to judge |
該当 (がいとう) | N1 | noun/ichidan verb | to correspond; to apply |
残業 (ざんぎょう) | N2 | noun | overtime work |
受ける (うける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to receive; to take |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N1 | godan verb | to tackle; to engage in |
保障 (ほしょう) | N1 | noun/ichidan verb | guarantee; to guarantee |
講じる (こうじる) | N1 | ichidan verb | to take measures; to adopt |
上る (のぼる) | N2 | godan verb | to rise; to go up |
受ける (うける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to receive; to undergo |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 同様の勤務実態があるとみられる社員は約1800人に上るとみられ、同社は今後、未払い分として最大約86億円を支払う見通しという。
Grammatical Points:
- 同様の: This means “similar” and is used to describe the type of work situation.
- とみられる: This phrase means “is thought to be” or “is considered.” It indicates that the statement is based on observation or estimation.
- に上る: This means “to reach” or “to amount to,” indicating a total or quantity.
- 見通し: This noun means “outlook” or “prospect,” often used to indicate expectations about future events.
- The sentence begins with a subject phrase (同様の勤務実態があるとみられる社員) followed by a verb phrase (約1800人に上るとみられ). The second part of the sentence (同社は今後、未払い分として最大約86億円を支払う見通しという) introduces a new subject (同社) and provides information about future actions (支払う見通し).
Sentence: 労基署は社員への聞き取りなどから、突発対応をしていない休憩時間についても「労働から離れることが保障されている時間とは認められず、労働時間に該当する」と判断。
Grammatical Points:
- 聞き取り: This noun means “hearing” or “interview,” referring to gathering information from employees.
- についても: This phrase means “regarding” or “concerning,” indicating the topic of discussion.
- 認められず: This is the negative form of the verb 認める (to recognize or acknowledge), meaning “not recognized.”
- 該当する: This verb means “to correspond to” or “to apply to,” indicating that something falls under a certain category.
- The sentence starts with the subject (労基署) and the action (は社員への聞き取りなどから), followed by the main clause (突発対応をしていない休憩時間についても「労働から離れることが保障されている時間とは認められず、労働時間に該当する」と判断). The quotation indicates the conclusion reached by the labor standards office.
Sentence: 同社はこれまで、突発事案に対応した分は代わりの休憩時間を設けたり、残業手当を支払ったりするなどして対応してきた。
Grammatical Points:
- これまで: This means “until now” or “so far,” indicating a time frame.
- 設けたり: This is a form of the verb 設ける (to establish or set up) in the たり form, which is used to list actions.
- 支払ったりする: Similar to 設けたり, this is the たり form of 支払う (to pay), indicating multiple actions.
- 対応してきた: This is the past perfect form of 対応する (to respond or deal with), indicating that the actions have been ongoing until now.
- The sentence begins with the subject (同社はこれまで) and introduces the actions taken (突発事案に対応した分は代わりの休憩時間を設けたり、残業手当を支払ったりするなどして). The phrase “して対応してきた” summarizes the ongoing response to the situation, emphasizing the company’s efforts over time.
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