打率2割だった主将玉井「開き直り」で3安打 長野大会優勝の立役者
(27日、第106回全国高校野球選手権長野大会決勝 長野日大9―0長野俊英)
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
足りない (たりない) | N2 | い-adjective | insufficient |
感じる (かんじる) | N2 | godan verb | to feel |
巡る (めぐる) | N2 | godan verb | to go around |
粘る (ねばる) | N2 | godan verb | to persist |
運ぶ (はこぶ) | N2 | godan verb | to carry |
振り返る (ふりかえる) | N2 | godan verb | to look back |
欠ける (かける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to lack |
徹底する (てっていする) | N2 | irregular verb | to thoroughly implement |
しみつける (しみつける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to instill |
状況 (じょうきょう) | N3 | noun | situation |
理想的 (りそうてき) | N2 | な-adjective | ideal |
攻撃 (こうげき) | N3 | noun | attack |
課題 (かだい) | N2 | noun | issue, challenge |
冷静 (れいせい) | N2 | な-adjective | calm |
楽しむ (たのしむ) | N2 | godan verb | to enjoy |
逃す (のがす) | N2 | godan verb | to miss |
立役者 (たてやくしゃ) | N2 | noun | key player |
達成する (たっせいする) | N2 | irregular verb | to achieve |
状態 (じょうたい) | N3 | noun | state |
しぶとい (しぶとい) | N2 | い-adjective | tenacious |
ついて行く (ついていく) | N2 | godan verb | to follow along |
逃す (のがす) | N2 | godan verb | to let slip |
目指す (めざす) | N2 | godan verb | to aim for |
かける (かける) | N2 | godan verb | to hang, to put on |
つきあげる (つきあげる) | N2 | godan verb | to raise up |
反省する (はんせいする) | N2 | irregular verb | to reflect |
期待する (きたいする) | N2 | irregular verb | to expect |
進む (すすむ) | N3 | godan verb | to advance |
変わる (かわる) | N3 | godan verb | to change |
目を向ける (めをむける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to turn one’s eyes to |
受け入れる (うけいれる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to accept |
つながる (つながる) | N2 | godan verb | to connect |
進化する (しんかする) | N2 | irregular verb | to evolve |
目指す (めざす) | N2 | godan verb | to aim for |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical Points:
- 「通り」 is a noun meaning “as” or “according to,” and it is often used to indicate that something happens in accordance with what was previously stated.
- 「の」 is a nominalizer that connects the noun to the preceding clause, making it descriptive.
- 「だった」 is the past tense of the copula, indicating that the situation described was true in the past.
- The sentence can be broken down into two parts: the quotation from the coach and the description of the situation. The first part is a direct quote, while the second part describes the situation as being ideal, following the coach’s intention.
Grammatical Points:
- 「だけで」 indicates that the action of “just swinging without thinking” was sufficient to lead to the outcome described.
- 「終わってしまっていた」 uses the verb “終わる” (to end) in the past perfect form, suggesting that the action had been completed before the moment of reflection.
- 「振り返る」 means “to reflect” and is used here to indicate that 玉井 is looking back on past experiences.
- The sentence consists of a quotation that reflects 玉井’s thoughts about the team’s previous performance, followed by the action of him reflecting on that experience. The structure emphasizes the contrast between past behavior and current understanding.
Grammatical Points:
- 「見極め」 is a noun derived from the verb “見極める,” meaning “to discern” or “to judge,” indicating the ability to distinguish between strikes and balls.
- 「徹底し」 is the te-form of “徹底する,” meaning “to thoroughly implement,” connecting it to the next action in the sentence.
- 「しみつけた」 is the past tense of “しみつける,” meaning “to instill” or “to permeate,” indicating that the action has been completed.
- The sentence describes two actions: first, the thorough discernment of strikes and balls, and second, the instilling of appropriate offensive strategies in the team. The use of the te-form connects these two actions, showing that they were part of a continuous effort.
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