ケアとは家族とは ガーナの関係性から考える リロン編集部から
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
開始する (かいしする) | N2 | Verb | to begin |
会話する (かいわする) | N3 | Verb | to converse |
叫ぶ (さけぶ) | N3 | Verb | to shout |
描写する (びょうしゃする) | N2 | Verb | to describe |
映し出す (うつしだす) | N1 | Verb | to depict |
超える (こえる) | N3 | Verb | to exceed |
つながる (つながる) | N3 | Verb | to connect |
流動的な (りゅうどうてきな) | N1 | Adjective | fluid |
固定的な (こていてきな) | N1 | Adjective | fixed |
変更可能な (へんこうかのうな) | N1 | Adjective | changeable |
寄稿する (きこうする) | N1 | Verb | to contribute |
明らかにする (あきらかにする) | N2 | Verb | to clarify |
重ねる (かさねる) | N2 | Verb | to pile up |
耕す (たがやす) | N1 | Verb | to cultivate |
費やす (ついやす) | N2 | Verb | to spend |
与える (あたえる) | N3 | Verb | to give |
実践する (じっせんする) | N2 | Verb | to practice |
考える (かんがえる) | N4 | Verb | to consider |
見える (みえる) | N4 | Verb | to be visible |
送り届ける (おくりとどける) | N2 | Verb | to send |
重要な (じゅうような) | N3 | Adjective | important |
人間関係 (にんげんかんけい) | N2 | Noun | human relationships |
根源的な (こんげんてきな) | N1 | Adjective | fundamental |
隣り合った (となりあった) | N1 | Adjective | adjacent |
躍動感 (やくどうかん) | N1 | Noun | sense of dynamism |
くっきりと (くっきりと) | N1 | Adverb | clearly |
お金 (おかね) | N4 | Noun | money |
他者 (たしゃ) | N1 | Noun | others |
親しい (したしい) | N4 | Adjective | close |
なぜ (なぜ) | N3 | Adverb | why |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: 道行く車はクラクションで会話し、乗り合いバスの車掌は行き先を叫ぶ
Grammatical points: This sentence includes two verb phrases connected by the conjunction “し” which indicates a parallel action. The first verb phrase is “道行く車はクラクションで会話し” (passing cars communicate with each other using their horns), and the second verb phrase is “乗り合いバスの車掌は行き先を叫ぶ” (the conductor of the shared bus shouts out the destination).
Structure of the sentence: The sentence structure follows the pattern of “noun + は + verb phrase + し + verb phrase.” The first part describes the action of passing cars communicating with each other using their horns, and the second part describes the action of the bus conductor shouting out the destination. The use of “し” connects these two parallel actions in the same sentence.
**Sentence 2: 寄稿(下)「日本の『小さなガーナ』で家族関係を考える隣り合った他者と生きる」
Grammatical points: This sentence includes the noun “寄稿” (contribution) followed by the counter word “(下)” which indicates the lower part of the contribution. The phrase in double quotation marks “日本の『小さなガーナ』で家族関係を考える” (Thinking about family relationships in Japan’s ‘Little Ghana’) is a title or subtitle. The last part “隣り合った他者と生きる” (living with neighboring others) describes the theme or content of the contribution.
Structure of the sentence: The structure is “noun + (counter)+ 「phrase in quotation marks」+ description.” The sentence introduces the contribution with the lower part designation, followed by the title or subtitle in double quotation marks, and ends with a description of the theme or content of the contribution.
**Sentence 3: 「人付き合いのために、これだけ多くの時間とお金、なにより労力を費やすことができるのはなぜなのか」
Grammatical points: This sentence is a question that starts with the quotation mark “「” and ends with “」.” The phrase “人付き合いのために” (for the sake of human relationships) introduces the purpose or reason for the actions described in the question. The question itself asks why one can spend so much time, money, and effort for socializing.
Structure of the sentence: The structure is “quotation + phrase + question.” The sentence structure is a question format that presents a reason or purpose at the beginning and then poses the main question about why one can invest so much time, money, and effort in socializing.
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