
ケアとは家族とは ガーナの関係性から考える リロン編集部から


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
開始する (かいしする)N2Verbto begin
躍動感 (やくどうかん)N1Nounsense of dynamism
描写 (びょうしゃ)N2Noundescription
映し出す (うつしだす)N1Verbto depict
関係性 (かんけいせい)N1Nounrelationship
根源的 (こんげんてき)N1Adjectivefundamental
固定的 (こていてき)N1Adjectivefixed
流動的 (りゅうどうてき)N1Adjectivefluid
超える (こえる)N3Verbto exceed
重ねる (かさねる)N2Verbto pile up
問う (とう)N1Verbto question
付き合い (つきあい)N2Nounsocializing
労をいとわず (ろうをいとわず)N1Phrasewithout sparing effort
与える (あたえる)N2Verbto give
耕す (たがやす)N1Verbto cultivate
教える (おしえる)N4Verbto teach

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: The phrase “しばしば” means “often” or “frequently” and is used to indicate a recurring action or situation. The verb “つくられる” is the passive form of “つくる” (to create), indicating that the “家族” (family) is created by going beyond blood relations or marriage relationships.
    • Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: Subject (しばしば血縁や婚姻関係を超えてつくられる「家族」) + は + Predicate (人間関係の一つであり、変更可能なもの・流動的なものだ).
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: The phrase “よりくっきりと” means “more clearly” and is used to emphasize the clarity of something. The verb “見えてくる” is the compound verb “見える” (to be visible) + “くる” (to come), indicating that something becomes visible or clearer.
    • Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: Adverbial phrase (よりくっきりと) + Verb (見えてくる).
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: The phrase “なにより” means “above all” or “more than anything else” and is used to emphasize the importance of something. The verb “費やす” means “to spend” and is used in the potential form “費やすことができる” to indicate the ability to spend time, money, and effort.
    • Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: Subject (これだけ多くの時間とお金、なにより労力を) + Verb (費やすことができる) + のは + Reason (なぜなのか).


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