都内の公園のトイレで現金を回収か 30歳女を逮捕 横浜の強盗殺人
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
強盗 (ごうとう) | N2 | noun | robbery |
殺人 (さつじん) | N2 | noun | murder |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | arrest |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | announcement |
職業 (しょくぎょう) | N2 | noun | occupation |
捜査 (そうさ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | investigation |
関係者 (かんけいしゃ) | N2 | noun | related person |
匿名 (とくめい) | N2 | noun | anonymity |
指示 (しじ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | instruction |
回収 (かいしゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | collection/recovery |
否定 (ひてい) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | denial |
共謀 (きょうぼう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | conspiracy |
侵入 (しんにゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | intrusion |
暴行 (ぼうこう) | N2 | noun | assault |
死亡 (しぼう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | death |
奪う (うばう) | N2 | verb (godan) | to steal |
防犯 (ぼうはん) | N2 | noun | crime prevention |
実行 (じっこう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | execution (of a plan) |
関与 (かんよ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | involvement |
行方 (ゆくえ) | N2 | noun | whereabouts |
指示役 (しじやく) | N2 | noun | instructing role |
降ろす (おろす) | N2 | verb (godan) | to drop off |
運転 (うんてん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | driving |
役 (やく) | N2 | noun | role |
監禁 (かんきん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | confinement |
押し入る (おしいる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to break in |
浮上 (ふじょう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | emergence |
役割 (やくわり) | N2 | noun | role |
報酬 (ほうしゅう) | N2 | noun | reward |
残り (のこり) | N2 | noun | remainder |
近く (ちかく) | N3 | noun/adverb | nearby |
事件 (じけん) | N3 | noun | incident |
みられる (みられる) | N3 | verb (ichidan) | to be seen |
含む (ふくむ) | N3 | verb (godan) | to include |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「木本容疑者は、匿名性の高いアプリで指示を受けて東京都内の公園のトイレ内で被害品の現金を回収したとみられるという。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「匿名性の高い」: This is a noun phrase where 「匿名性」 (anonymity) is modified by 「高い」 (high), indicating that the app has a high level of anonymity.
- 「指示を受けて」: This is a gerund form where 「受ける」 (to receive) is in the te-form, connecting it to the following action.
- 「とみられる」: This is a passive expression meaning “is thought to be” or “is considered,” indicating that the speaker is reporting what others think.
- The sentence starts with the subject (木本容疑者) followed by the action (回収した) and the context (アプリで指示を受けて). The phrase 「東京都内の公園のトイレ内で被害品の現金を回収したとみられる」 provides additional information about where and what was done, culminating in the passive expression that indicates the perception of the action.
Sentence: 「逮捕容疑は数人と共謀し、10月15日ごろ、後藤寛治(ひろはる)さん(75)宅に侵入し、後藤さんを暴行して死亡させ、現金約20万円を奪ったというもの。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「共謀し」: This is the conjunctive form of the verb 「共謀する」 (to conspire), linking it to the subsequent actions.
- 「死亡させ」: This is a causative form of the verb 「死亡する」 (to die), indicating that the subject caused the death of 後藤さん.
- 「というもの」: This phrase is used to summarize or define what has been previously mentioned, indicating that the following content is the essence of the arrest charge.
- The sentence begins with the subject (逮捕容疑) and describes the nature of the charge. It lists a series of actions (共謀し, 侵入し, 暴行して, 奪った) that are connected by the conjunctive form, leading to the final summary phrase 「というもの」 that encapsulates the entire charge.
Sentence: 「県警は住宅に押し入った実行役は3人とみており、宝田容疑者のほか、千葉県市川市の事件で千葉県警に逮捕された藤井柊(しゅう)容疑者(26)=監禁容疑で逮捕=と、久保田陸斗容疑者(21)=強盗致傷などの容疑で逮捕=が関わったとみている。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「押し入った」: This is the past tense of the verb 「押し入る」 (to break in), indicating a completed action.
- 「とみており」: This is a compound form where 「とみている」 (to consider) is in the present continuous, suggesting ongoing consideration or belief.
- 「関わった」: This is the past tense of the verb 「関わる」 (to be involved), indicating that the subjects were involved in the actions described.
- The sentence starts with the subject (県警) and states their belief about the number of perpetrators (3人). It then elaborates on the individuals involved, listing 宝田容疑者 and two others, with additional context about their arrests. The final part, 「とみている」, indicates that this is an ongoing assessment by the police. The structure is complex, with multiple clauses providing detailed information about the suspects and their actions.
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