
中国が月裏側の探査機を打ち上げ 試料の持ち帰り成功なら史上初めて


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
試料 (しぇりょう)N2Nounsample
採取 (さいしゅ)N2Nouncollection
無人 (むじん)N2Noununmanned
探査機 (たんさき)N2Nounprobe
打ち上げる (うちあげる)N2Godan verbto launch
持ち帰る (もちかえる)N2Godan verbto bring back
成功 (せいこう)N3Nounsuccess
史上 (しじょう)N2Nounin history
向ける (むける)N3Ichidan verbto face towards
交信 (こうしん)N1Nouncommunication
難しい (むずかしい)N4い-adjectivedifficult
先行 (せんこう)N2Nounpreceding
衛星 (えいせい)N2Nounsatellite
通信 (つうしん)N2Nouncommunication
中継 (ちゅうけい)N2Nounrelay
探す (さがす)N4Godan verbto search for
着陸 (ちゃくりく)N2Nounlanding
異なる (ことなる)N2Godan verbto differ
欧州 (おうしゅう)N1NounEurope
装置 (そうち)N2Nounequipment
持つ (もつ)N4Godan verbto hold
指導部 (しどうぶ)N1Nounleadership
目標 (もくひょう)N3Noungoal
掲げる (かかげる)N2Ichidan verbto set up
着陸させる (ちゃくりくさせる)N1Irregular verbto land
火山活動 (かざんかつどう)N1Nounvolcanic activity
想定 (そうてい)N2Nounassumption
続く (つづく)N4Godan verbto continue
凍る (こおる)N3Godan verbto freeze
存在 (そんざい)N3Nounexistence
地殻構造 (ちかくこうぞう)N1Nouncrustal structure

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 月は常に同じ面を地球に向けて回っており、裏側は地球との交信が難しい。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • ている form: This form indicates the continuation or completion of an action. In this case, the moon is continuously rotating with the same side facing the Earth.
      • が difficult: This particle is used to mark the subject of the sentence and can also indicate difficulty or obstacles in this context.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 月は常に同じ面を地球に向けて回っており: This part describes the continuous action of the moon rotating with the same side facing the Earth.
      • 裏側は地球との交信が難しい: This part explains the difficulty in communication with the far side of the moon due to it always facing away from Earth.
  • Sentence 2: 3月に先行して打ち上げた衛星「鵲橋(じゃっきょう)2号」が通信の中継を担う。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • に先行して: This phrase indicates that something precedes or comes before another action.
      • を担う: This verb means “to bear” or “to take on responsibility for” in this context.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 3月に先行して打ち上げた衛星「鵲橋(じゃっきょう)2号」: This part introduces the satellite “Magpie Bridge 2” that was launched ahead of time in March.
      • が通信の中継を担う: This part explains that the satellite is responsible for relaying communications.
  • Sentence 3: 月の火山活動がそれまでの想定より遅くまで続いていた可能性が高いことが分かるなど、成果を上げた。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • それまでの: This phrase refers to the assumptions or expectations made before a certain point in time.
      • など: This particle is used to indicate examples or similar things.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 月の火山活動がそれまでの想定より遅くまで続いていた可能性が高いことが分かる: This part explains the discovery that the possibility of lunar volcanic activity lasting longer than previously assumed is high.
      • など、成果を上げた: This part indicates that achievements were made, such as this discovery and others.


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