
立憲が提出の内閣不信任案、自公の反対で否決 維新など野党が賛成


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
提出する (ていしゅつ)N3Verb (する)to submit
不信任 (ふしんにん)N2Nounvote of no confidence
決議案 (けつぎあん)N1Nounresolution
衆院 (しゅういん)N1NounHouse of Representatives
本会議 (ほんかいぎ)N1Nounplenary session
反対 (はんたい)N4Nounopposition
否決する (ひけつ)N3Verb (する)to reject
一方 (いっぽう)N3Adverbon the other hand
野党 (やとう)N2Nounopposition party
賛成する (さんせい)N3Verb (する)to agree
首相 (しゅしょう)N2NounPrime Minister
会期 (かいき)N1Nounsession
延長する (えんちょう)N3Verb (する)to extend
事実上 (じじつじょう)N1Adverbin fact
閉会する (へいかい)N3Verb (する)to close a session
(いずみ)N1NounIzumi (name)
代表 (だいひょう)N2Nounrepresentative
弁明 (べんめい)N1Nounexplanation
政権運営 (せいけんうんえい)N1Nounadministration
考え方 (かんがえかた)N2Nounway of thinking
方針 (ほうしん)N2Nounpolicy
見えず (みえず)N1Adjective (い)not visible
決断 (けつだん)N1Noundecision
後手後手 (あとてあとて)N1Adverbalways being behind
中身 (なかみ)N2Nouncontent
空疎 (くうそ)N1Adjective (な)empty
指摘する (してき)N3Verb (する)to point out
典型 (てんけい)N1Nountypical example
裏金 (うらがね)N1Nounslush fund
発覚する (はっかく)N2Verb (する)to come to light

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 立憲の泉健太代表は趣旨弁明で、首相の政権運営について、「考え方や方針が見えず、決断もないために何かにつけ後手後手。出てきた中身はどれも空疎だった」と指摘。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • 趣旨弁明で: “趣旨” means “main point” or “gist,” and “弁明” means “explanation” or “justification.” This phrase indicates that 泉健太代表 made a main point explanation.
      • 何かにつけ後手後手: This phrase means “always being on the defensive” or “constantly being behind the curve.”
      • 中身はどれも空疎だった: “中身” means “content” or “substance,” and “空疎” means “hollow” or “lacking substance.” This part indicates that the content was lacking substance.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • The sentence starts with 立憲の泉健太代表は趣旨弁明で, which introduces the action taken by 泉健太代表. This is followed by a quotation where 泉健太代表 criticizes the Prime Minister’s administration. The sentence structure is complex due to the inclusion of multiple clauses and quotations within a single sentence.
  • 泉氏は、事件の発覚から半年以上が経過しているにもかかわらず、実態解明や裏金作りに関与した自民議員の説明は不十分だと批判した。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • にもかかわらず: This is a conjunction that means “despite” or “although.”
      • 不十分だと批判した: This structure indicates that 泉氏 criticized the explanations as being insufficient.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • The sentence starts with 泉氏は, indicating the subject of the sentence. It is followed by a clause describing the situation regarding the event and the lack of sufficient explanation by 自民議員. The sentence structure is straightforward, with a clear subject and action.
  • 立憲が不信任案を提出したのは、全野党が賛成した昨年12月の臨時国会以来。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • 提出したのは: This structure indicates the action of 提出 (submitting) and provides background information.
      • 以来: This word means “since” or “from” and is used to indicate a point in time from which a situation has continued.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • The sentence starts with 立憲が不信任案を提出したのは, which sets the context for the timing of the submission of the motion. This is followed by a clause describing the timeframe since the last time all opposition parties supported a motion. The sentence structure is clear and concise, providing chronological information.


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