
消費者問題の弁護士「速やかに情報公表すべき」 小林製薬の紅麴問題


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
製薬 (せいやく)N1Nounpharmaceuticals
原料 (げんりょう)N2Nounraw material
健康 (けんこう)N3Nounhealth
被害 (ひがい)N2Noundamage, harm
相次ぐ (あいつぐ)N1Verb (godan)to occur in succession
問題 (もんだい)N4Nounproblem
厚生労働省 (こうせいろうどうしょう)N1NounMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare
発表する (はっぴょうする)N3Verb (suru)to announce
死者 (ししゃ)N2Noundeceased person
遺憾の意 (いかんのい)N1Nounregret
本社 (ほんしゃ)N3Nounheadquarters
消費者 (しょうひしゃ)N2Nounconsumer
取り組む (とりくむ)N2Verb (godan)to tackle
弁護士 (べんごし)N2Nounlawyer
健康被害 (けんこうひがい)N1Nounhealth damage
疑われる (うたがわれる)N2Verb (ichidan)to be suspected
情報 (じょうほう)N3Nouninformation
把握する (はあくする)N1Verb (suru)to grasp, understand
速やかに (すみやかに)N1Adverbpromptly
公開する (こうかいする)N2Verb (suru)to disclose
求める (もとめる)N2Verb (godan)to seek
段階 (だんかい)N2Nounstage, phase
求められる (もとめられる)N1Verb (passive)to be required
電話相談会 (でんわそうだんかい)N1Nountelephone consultation
相談 (そうだん)N3Nounconsultation
支払われる (しはらわれる)N2Verb (passive)to be paid
解明する (かいめいする)N1Verb (suru)to clarify
医師 (いし)N2Noundoctor
診断書 (しんだんしょ)N1Nounmedical certificate
批判 (ひはん)N2Nouncriticism

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 武見敬三厚労相は同日、「(同社に対し)死亡者数の確認をしたにもかかわらず、報告をしなかったこと」に対して、遺憾の意を示した。
  • Grammatical points: This sentence includes the causative form of the verb “する” (to do) in the negative form, which is “しなかった” (did not do). The causative form is used to indicate that someone makes someone else do something.
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “武見敬三厚労相” (Minami Keizo, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, it introduces the direct quotation with 「」, indicating what was said. The causative form “しなかった” is used to show that the action of reporting was not done by the company despite having confirmed the number of deaths.
  1. 本社がある大阪で消費者被害の問題に取り組む菅聡一郎弁護士は「そもそも問題の公表自体が遅かったが、公表後も健康被害が疑われる情報を把握しながら、速やかに報告していなかったとすれば問題だ。
  • Grammatical points: This sentence contains the conditional form “とすれば” (if it is the case that) and the potential form “把握しながら” (while understanding). The potential form is used to express the ability or possibility to do something.
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence begins with the subject “本社がある大阪で消費者被害の問題に取り組む菅聡一郎弁護士” (Sugawara Soichiro, a lawyer working on consumer damage issues in Osaka) followed by the topic marker “は”. It then presents a hypothetical situation using the conditional form “とすれば” and describes the action of not reporting promptly despite understanding the information.
  1. 相談内容は「問題公表以降の治療費しか支払われない」などのほか、健康被害の詳細が解明されていないなかで、同社が被害者側に医師の診断書などで因果関係の立証を求めていることへの批判が目立ったという。
  • Grammatical points: This sentence includes the structure “なかで” (while) to indicate a situation in which something is happening. It also uses the causative form “求めている” (is requesting) and the potential form “支払われない” (not paid).
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence introduces the topic “相談内容” (consultation content) and then lists different aspects of the consultations. It describes a situation where the company is requesting proof of causation from the victims using the potential form “求めている” and highlights the criticism towards this action happening while the details of health damage remain unclear.


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