
志賀原発で冷却ポンプが一時停止、その後再起動 原子力規制庁が発表


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
開く (ひらく)N4Verbto open
こぼれるN3Verbto spill
冷却 (れいきゃく)N2Nouncooling
停止 (ていし)N2Nounstop
再起動 (さいきどう)N1Nounrestart
確認 (かくにん)N3Nounconfirmation
確保 (かくほ)N2Nounsecuring
電源 (でんげん)N3Nounpower supply
説明 (せつめい)N4Nounexplanation
周辺 (しゅうへん)N3Nounsurroundings
異常 (いじょう)N3Nounabnormality
目立つ (めだつ)N2Verbto stand out
原子力 (げんしりょく)N1Nounnuclear power
規制 (きせい)N2Nounregulation
委員会 (いいんかい)N2Nouncommittee
臨時 (りんじ)N2Nountemporary
説明会 (せつめいかい)N2Nounbriefing
使用済み (しようずみ)N1Adjectiveused
地震 (じしん)N4Nounearthquake
冷却 (れいきゃく)N2Nouncooling
一時 (いちじ)N3Nountemporary
停止 (ていし)N2Nounstop
放射線量 (ほうしゃせんりょう)N1Nounradiation level
外部 (がいぶ)N2Nounexternal
確保 (かくほ)N2Nounsecuring
東京電力 (とうきょうでんりょく)N1NounTokyo Electric Power Company
柏崎刈羽原発 (かしわざきかりわげげんぱつ)N1NounKashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant
福井県 (ふくいけん)N2NounFukui Prefecture
美浜原発 (みはまげんぱつ)N1NounMihama Nuclear Power Plant
高浜原発 (たかはまげんぱつ)N1NounTakahama Nuclear Power Plant
大飯原発 (おおいげんぱつ)N1NounOi Nuclear Power Plant

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 原子力規制委員会は1日午後6時半から臨時の説明会を開いた。

    1. The grammatical point here is the use of the から (kara) particle to indicate the starting point of an action or event.
    2. The sentence structure is [time] から [action] (The Nuclear Regulation Authority held an ad-hoc briefing from 6:30 p.m. on the 1st.)
  • ポンプは地震から30~40分後に再起動した。

    1. The grammatical point here is the use of the から (kara) particle to indicate the starting point of a duration.
    2. The sentence structure is [event] から [duration] 後に [action] (The pump restarted 30 to 40 minutes after the earthquake.)
  • 周辺の放射線量に異常は確認されておらず、外部電源も確保できているという。

    1. The grammatical point here is the use of the に (ni) particle to indicate the target of the verb 確認される (kakunin sareru - to be confirmed).
    2. The sentence structure is [target] に [verb in passive form] されている (No abnormalities have been confirmed in the surrounding radiation levels, and it is confirmed that external power supply has been secured.)


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