
死亡の女児、体に複数の痕跡 日常的に暴力か 虐待疑う通報はなし


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
死亡 (しぼう)N2noundeath
腹部 (ふくぶ)N2nounabdomen
複数 (ふくすう)N2nounmultiple
暴行 (ぼうこう)N2nounassault
痕跡 (こんせき)N2nountrace
皮下出血 (ひかしゅっけつ)N2nounsubcutaneous hemorrhage
受ける (うける)N2ichidan verbto receive
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
殴る (なぐる)N2godan verbto hit
蹴る (ける)N2godan verbto kick
傷害 (しょうがい)N2nouninjury
逮捕 (たいほ)N2noun/verbarrest
死因 (しいん)N2nouncause of death
傷つける (きずつける)N2ichidan verbto injure
炎症 (えんしょう)N2nouninflammation
強い (つよい)N3い-adjectivestrong
衝撃 (しょうげき)N2nounshock
経過 (けいか)N2nounpassage of time
倒れる (たおれる)N2ichidan verbto fall down
通報 (つうほう)N2noun/verbreport
口論 (こうろん)N2nounargument
趣旨 (しゅし)N2nounintention
搬送 (はんそう)N2noun/verbtransport
意識不明 (いしきふめい)N2noununconsciousness
考慮 (こうりょ)N2noun/verbconsideration
公表 (こうひょう)N2noun/verbannouncement
相談 (そうだん)N2noun/verbconsultation
対象 (たいしょう)N2nountarget
疑う (うたがう)N2godan verbto doubt
把握 (はあく)N1noun/verbgrasp
調査 (ちょうさ)N2noun/verbinvestigation
個人的 (こじんてき)N2な-adjectivepersonal
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「死因は、腸が傷つけられて、炎症が起きたことによる腹膜炎。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「による」 is a phrase that indicates causation or reason, meaning “due to” or “caused by.”
      • The verb forms 「傷つけられて」 (being injured) and 「起きた」 (occurred) are in the passive and past tense, respectively.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject 「死因は」 (the cause of death), followed by a series of clauses that explain the cause: 「腸が傷つけられて」 (the intestines were injured) and 「炎症が起きたこと」 (the occurrence of inflammation). The final part, 「による腹膜炎」 (peritonitis due to), connects the cause to the result, which is the condition being described.
  2. Sentence: 「道警は、女児を殴ったり蹴ったりしたとして、継母である40代前半の女を傷害容疑で逮捕。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「殴ったり蹴ったり」 is a form that indicates multiple actions, using the たり form to list actions that are not exhaustive.
      • 「として」 means “as” or “on the grounds of,” indicating the basis for the action taken.
      • 「傷害容疑で」 indicates the reason for the arrest, meaning “on suspicion of injury.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject 「道警は」 (the police), followed by the actions they took: 「女児を殴ったり蹴ったりしたとして」 (on the grounds of having hit and kicked the girl). The main clause concludes with the action taken, which is the arrest of the stepmother described as 「40代前半の女」 (a woman in her early 40s) for the charge of injury.
  3. Sentence: 「2人は、DVやストーカーなどの被害者を保護するため制度である住民基本台帳の閲覧制限の措置を受けており、道警は家族への影響を考慮して氏名を公表していない。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「受けており」 is the te-form of the verb 「受ける」 (to receive) combined with 「おり」 (indicating a continuous state), meaning “have been receiving.”
      • 「考慮して」 is the te-form of 「考慮する」 (to consider), indicating the reason for the action in the latter part of the sentence.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject 「2人は」 (the two people), followed by a complex noun phrase that describes the measures they are under: 「DVやストーカーなどの被害者を保護するため制度である住民基本台帳の閲覧制限の措置」 (measures for restricting access to the basic resident register, which is a system to protect victims of domestic violence and stalking). The second part of the sentence, 「道警は家族への影響を考慮して氏名を公表していない」 (the police have not disclosed their names considering the impact on the family), presents the action taken by the police as a result of the previous context.


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