
届ける、おむつも安心も 「見守り定期便」で孤立や虐待防止へ


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
対象 (たいしょう)N3Nountarget, object, subject
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto ask, to listen, to hear
始める (はじめる)N4Ichidan verbto begin, to start
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto ask, to listen, to hear
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto ask, to listen, to hear
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto ask, to listen, to hear
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto ask, to listen, to hear
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify
届ける (とどける)N3Godan verbto deliver, to report, to notify

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “始める” (to start) in the past tense, indicating that the action of starting the “見守りおむつ定期便” (monitoring diaper subscription service) was initiated by the city of Tondabayashi in January.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • “見守りおむつ定期便を始めた” is the main clause, indicating the action of starting the monitoring diaper subscription service. The causative form of the verb “始める” is used to show that the city initiated this action.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative-passive form of the verb “聞く” (to ask/listen) in the te-form, indicating that the “見守り配達員” (monitoring delivery personnel) listen to the worries and troubles of the parents when they visit.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • “見守り配達員が訪問時に悩みや困りごとも聞くことで” is a subordinate clause modifying the main clause. The causative-passive form of the verb “聞く” in the te-form is used to indicate the action of listening to the worries and troubles of the parents.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the potential form of the verb “聞く” (to hear/listen) in the te-form, indicating that the parents can have their concerns heard during the visit.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • “相談も聞いてもらえるのは助かる” is the main clause, indicating that it is helpful to have their concerns heard. The potential form of the verb “聞く” in the te-form is used to show the ability or possibility for the parents to have their concerns heard.


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