
劇症型の感染症増加でも「日本への渡航取りやめる必要ない」 厚労省


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
増える (ふえる)N4Godan verbincrease
呼びかける (よびかける)N2Ichidan verbappeal, call for
流行 (りゅうこう)N3Nountrend, prevalence
理由 (りゆう)N3Nounreason
取りやめる (とりやめる)N2Ichidan verbcancel
必要 (ひつよう)N4Na-adjectivenecessary
感染症 (かんせんしょう)N3Nouninfectious disease
報道 (ほうどう)N2Nounreport
開催 (かいさい)N2Nounholding, hosting
予選 (よせん)N2Nounpreliminary contest
中止 (ちゅうし)N2Nounsuspension, cancellation
問い合わせ (といあわせ)N2Nouninquiry
急性 (きゅうせい)N2Na-adjectiveacute
咽頭 (いんとう)N1Nounthroat
原因 (げんいん)N3Nouncause
感染者 (かんせんしゃ)N2Nouninfected person
傾向 (けいこう)N3Nountendency
発症 (はっしょう)N2Nounonset
筋肉 (きんにく)N3Nounmuscle
壊死 (えし)N1Nounnecrosis
多臓器 (たぞうき)N1Nounmultiple organs
不全 (ふぜん)N2Nounfailure
引き起こす (ひきおこす)N2Godan verbcause
致死率 (ちしりつ)N1Nounmortality rate
速報値 (そくほうち)N1Nounpreliminary figure
関東 (かんとう)N2NounKanto region
感染力 (かんせんりょく)N1Nouninfectivity
比較的 (ひかくてき)N2Adverbrelatively
渡航 (とこう)N1Nountravel
制限 (せいげん)N2Nounrestriction

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “取りやめる” (to cancel) in the negative form, which is “取りやめる必要はない” (do not need to cancel).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • Subject: 呼びかけている (calling out)
      • Object: 旅行 (travel)
      • Causative form + 必要はない: This structure is used to express that there is no need to do something. In this case, it is used to convey the message that there is no need to cancel travel plans due to the outbreak.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “中止する” (to cancel) in the past tense, which is “中止した” (was canceled).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • Subject: 北朝鮮 (North Korea)
      • Object: サッカーの2026年ワールドカップのアジア予選 (Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup)
      • Reason: 「日本で広がっている伝染病への疫病予防」 (prevention of infectious diseases spreading in Japan)
      • ~を理由に: This structure is used to indicate the reason for an action. In this case, it explains the reason for the cancellation of the Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup in Pyongyang.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the passive form of the verb “増加する” (to increase) in the past tense, which is “増加した” (increased).
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • Subject: 感染力が比較的高く、欧米などで流行している株 (strains with relatively high infectivity that are prevalent in Europe and the United States)
      • Object: 患者 (patients)
      • Location: 関東を中心に (centered around the Kanto region)
      • ~が増加している: This structure is used to indicate that something is increasing. In this case, it describes the increase in patients infected with strains that are prevalent in Europe and the United States, mainly in the Kanto region.


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