秋葉安保局長、中国外相と会談 ロ朝間の協力に「深刻な懸念」伝える
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
訪問する (ほうもんする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to visit |
懸念 (けねん) | N2 | Noun | concern |
伝える (つたえる) | N2 | Godan verb | to convey |
協議する (きょうぎする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to discuss |
確認する (かくにんする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to confirm |
構築する (こうちくする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to construct |
交流 (こうりゅう) | N2 | Noun | exchange |
具体的 (ぐたいてき) | N2 | い-adjective | concrete |
重大 (じゅうだい) | N2 | な-adjective | significant |
早期 (そうき) | N2 | な-adjective | early |
撤廃する (てっぱいする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to abolish |
方向性 (ほうこうせい) | N2 | Noun | direction |
意思疎通 (いしそつう) | N2 | Noun | communication of intentions |
交わす (かわす) | N2 | Godan verb | to exchange |
取材 (しゅざい) | N2 | Noun/する verb | coverage (of news) |
伝達する (でんたつする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to transmit |
政治的 (せいじてき) | N2 | な-adjective | political |
約束 (やくそく) | N2 | Noun | promise |
強調する (きょうちょうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to emphasize |
防ぐ (ふせぐ) | N2 | Godan verb | to prevent |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
交流のあり方 (こうりゅうのありかた) | N2 | Noun | way of exchange |
具体的な (ぐたいてきな) | N2 | な-adjective | specific |
参加する (さんかする) | N3 | Irregular verb | to participate |
調整する (ちょうせいする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to adjust |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to advance |
述べる (のべる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to state |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | Noun | influence |
重要視する (じゅうようしする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to regard as important |
参加 (さんか) | N3 | Noun | participation |
伝える (つたえる) | N2 | Godan verb | to convey |
影響を与える (えいきょうをあたえる) | N2 | Irregular verb | to influence |
進行する (しんこうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to proceed |
期待する (きたいする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to expect |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「戦略的互恵関係」の推進で一致したほか、今月中旬に調整されている日中首脳会談について協議したとみられる。
Grammatical Points:
- 「で一致した」: This phrase uses the verb 一致する (いっちする), meaning “to agree.” The particle で indicates the means or method by which the agreement was reached.
- 「ほか」: This word means “in addition” or “besides,” indicating that there is more information to follow.
- 「とみられる」: This is a passive form of the verb 見る (みる), meaning “to see” or “to think.” It implies that it is perceived or thought by others.
- The sentence begins with a noun phrase 「戦略的互恵関係」の推進 (the promotion of a strategic reciprocal relationship), followed by the verb phrase で一致した (agreed upon). Then, it introduces additional information with ほか (besides), leading to the main clause about the 日中首脳会談 (Japan-China summit) being discussed, which is expressed in the passive form について協議したとみられる (is thought to have been discussed).
Sentence: 「建設的かつ安定的な両国関係を構築するという大きな方向性を共有していることを確認した」という。
Grammatical Points:
- 「かつ」: This conjunction means “and” or “as well as,” used to connect two adjectives.
- 「という」: This is a quotative particle used to indicate that what precedes it is being reported or quoted.
- 「確認した」: This verb means “to confirm,” indicating that the speaker has verified something.
- The sentence starts with the noun phrase 「建設的かつ安定的な両国関係」 (constructive and stable bilateral relations), followed by the verb phrase を構築する (to build). The phrase という大きな方向性 (a significant direction) modifies the preceding noun phrase. Finally, the sentence concludes with the verb phrase を確認した (confirmed), indicating that the speaker has verified the shared understanding.
Sentence: 「国際情勢で何かあれば電話連絡をとることで一致した」と述べた。
Grammatical Points:
- 「で」: This particle indicates the context or situation, in this case, “in international affairs.”
- 「あれば」: This is the conditional form of the verb ある (to exist), meaning “if there is” or “if something happens.”
- 「ことで一致した」: This phrase means “to agree on the method,” where こと indicates the action or situation being agreed upon.
- The sentence begins with the conditional phrase 「国際情勢で何かあれば」 (if there is something in international affairs), followed by the main clause 電話連絡をとることで一致した (agreed to make a phone call). The structure emphasizes the condition under which the agreement is made, leading to the action that was agreed upon. The sentence concludes with the reporting verb 述べた (stated), indicating that someone has reported this agreement.
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