DMG森、ロシア国内での出荷は「民生用」 戦争支援は改めて否定
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
支援 (しえん) | N3 | Noun | support, aid |
指定 (してい) | N3 | Noun | designation, specification |
調査 (ちょうさ) | N3 | Noun | investigation, survey |
公表 (こうひょう) | N3 | Noun | announcement, publication |
認める (みとめる) | N3 | Verb (Ichidan) | to recognize, to admit |
出荷 (しゅっか) | N3 | Noun | shipment, delivery |
改めて (あらためて) | N3 | Adverb | again, once again |
否定する (ひていする) | N3 | Verb (する) | to deny, to negate |
侵攻 (しんこう) | N3 | Noun | invasion, aggression |
撤退 (てったい) | N3 | Noun | withdrawal, retreat |
注文済み (ちゅうもんずみ) | N3 | Noun | pre-ordered |
部品 (ぶひん) | N3 | Noun | parts, components |
用いる (もちいる) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to use, to employ |
拠点 (きょてん) | N3 | Noun | base, headquarters |
製造 (せいぞう) | N3 | Noun | manufacturing, production |
出荷する (しゅっかする) | N3 | Verb (する) | to ship, to deliver |
受注 (じゅちゅう) | N3 | Noun | order, contract |
契約違反 (けいやくいはん) | N3 | Noun | breach of contract |
懸念する (けねんする) | N3 | Verb (する) | to be concerned, to worry |
考える (かんがえる) | N4 | Verb (Ichidan) | to think, to consider |
宣言する (せんげんする) | N4 | Verb (する) | to declare, to announce |
残念 (ざんねん) | N4 | Na-adjective | regrettable, disappointing |
心配 (しんぱい) | N4 | Noun | worry, concern |
申し訳ない (もうしわけない) | N4 | Na-adjective | sorry, apologetic |
納入先 (のうにゅうさき) | N4 | Noun | place of delivery |
民生用 (みんせいよう) | N4 | Noun | civilian use |
強調する (きょうちょうする) | N4 | Verb (する) | to emphasize, to stress |
内藤 (ないとう) | N/A | Noun | Naito (surname) |
尚志 (なおし) | N/A | Noun | Naoshi (given name) |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes two verb phrases in the past tense: 「認めた」(admitted) and 「否定した」(denied). It also includes the causative form of the verb 「つくる」(to make) in the past tense: 「つくった」(made).
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence is structured as follows: 「ロシア法人の社員が無断でつくった製品を現地で出荷していたことを認めた」(They admitted that the Russian employees had shipped products made without permission locally) + 「一方、軍需関連企業に製品を供給したとする指摘を改めて否定した」(while they denied the allegation that they supplied products to defense-related companies).
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes the verb phrase in the past tense: 「受注しており」(had received orders). It also includes the causative form of the verb 「問う」(to question) in the passive form and past tense: 「問われる」(were questioned).
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence is structured as follows: 「すでに製品を受注しており」(They had already received orders for the products) + 「現地で契約違反に問われることなどを懸念したためとみられる」(it is speculated that they were concerned about being questioned for contract violations and other reasons).
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes the past tense verb phrase: 「確認できた」(confirmed). It also includes the adjective 「すべて」(all) modifying the noun 「民生用」(civilian use).
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence is structured as follows: 「最終的な納入先は軍需関連企業ではなく」(The final delivery destination was not a defense-related company) + 「すべて民生用だったと確認できたと説明した」(and it was confirmed that they were all for civilian use).