
ドンキが高知市に出店を計画 全国唯一の「空白県」で来年にも開業へ


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
出店 (しゅってん)N2nounopening a store
期待 (きたい)N2nounexpectation
語る (かたる)N2godan verbto talk, to speak
展開 (てんかい)N2noun/ichidan verbdevelopment, to expand
未進出 (みしんしゅつ)N2nounnot yet entered
大規模 (おおきぼ)N2な-adjectivelarge scale
計画 (けいかく)N2noun/ichidan verbplan, to plan
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance, to proceed
懸念 (けねん)N2nounconcern
危険度 (きけんど)N2noundegree of danger
駐車場 (ちゅうしゃじょう)N3nounparking lot
駐輪場 (ちゅうりんじょう)N3nounbicycle parking area
進出 (しんしゅつ)N2noun/ichidan verbentry, to advance into
位置 (いち)N2nounlocation
開かれる (ひらかれる)N2ichidan verbto be opened
進行 (しんこう)N2noun/ichidan verbprogress, to proceed
期待する (きたいする)N2irregular verbto expect
交通 (こうつう)N3nountraffic
渋滞 (じゅうたい)N3nountraffic jam
事故 (じこ)N3nounaccident
設ける (もうける)N2ichidan verbto establish
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance, to promote
形態 (けいたい)N2nounform, shape
情報 (じょうほう)N3nouninformation
充実 (じゅうじつ)N2noun/ichidan verbfulfillment, to enrich
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
住民 (じゅうみん)N3nounresidents
交通事故 (こうつうじこ)N3nountraffic accident
進行中 (しんこうちゅう)N2nounin progress
形状 (けいじょう)N2nounshape
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
期待感 (きたいかん)N2nounsense of expectation
進化 (しんか)N2noun/ichidan verbevolution, to evolve

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「ドンキ」は1989年に東京都府中市に1号店をオープン。

    • Grammatical Points:
      • The particle “に” indicates the location where the action takes place, in this case, “東京都府中市” (Fuchu City, Tokyo).
      • “オープン” is a noun that means “opening” and is often used in a business context to refer to the opening of a store.
    • Structure:
      • The sentence is straightforward, consisting of the subject “ドンキ” (Don Quijote), followed by the time expression “1989年に” (in 1989), the location “東京都府中市に” (in Fuchu City, Tokyo), and the verb “オープン” (to open). It conveys a simple past action.
  2. 新店舗「ドン・キホーテ高知店」(仮称)は、高知市中心部(はりまや橋交差点)から東へ約2キロの同市東雲町などに位置し、すでに現地では建設工事が進んでいる。

    • Grammatical Points:
      • “位置し” is the conjunctive form of “位置する” (to be located), which connects to the following clause.
      • “など” indicates examples or similar items, suggesting that the location includes “同市東雲町” (Shinonome Town in the same city) among others.
      • “進んでいる” is the present continuous form of “進む” (to progress), indicating ongoing action.
    • Structure:
      • The sentence begins with the subject “新店舗「ドン・キホーテ高知店」(仮称)” (New store “Don Quijote Kochi Store” (tentative name)), followed by the location description “高知市中心部(はりまや橋交差点)から東へ約2キロの同市東雲町などに” (about 2 kilometers east from the center of Kochi City (Harimaya Bridge intersection) to Shinonome Town, etc.), and concludes with the main clause “すでに現地では建設工事が進んでいる” (construction work is already progressing on site).
  3. 同社は店舗西側にも約100台分の臨時駐車場を設け、市内北部などから来店する乗用車がスムーズに止められるよう配慮するとした。

    • Grammatical Points:
      • “設け” is the conjunctive form of “設ける” (to establish), linking it to the following clause.
      • “よう” indicates purpose or intention, meaning “in order to.”
      • “配慮するとした” indicates a decision or intention to consider something, with “とした” being a past tense form of “する” (to do).
    • Structure:
      • The sentence starts with the subject “同社” (the company), followed by the action “店舗西側にも約100台分の臨時駐車場を設け” (establishing a temporary parking lot for about 100 cars on the west side of the store), and concludes with the purpose clause “市内北部などから来店する乗用車がスムーズに止められるよう配慮するとした” (to ensure that cars coming from the northern part of the city can park smoothly).


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