
樺太アイヌの子どもの髪飾り寄託、独の博物館から 北海道で2例目か


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
収集する (しゅうしゅうする)N2Irregular verbto collect
寄託する (きたくする)N2Irregular verbto entrust
所有する (しょゆうする)N2Irregular verbto own
確認する (かくにんする)N2Irregular verbto confirm
貴重な (きちょうな)N2な-adjectiveprecious
収蔵 (しゅうぞう)N2Nouncollection
縫い付ける (ぬいつける)N2Godan verbto sew on
つるす (つるす)N2Godan verbto hang
大きさ (おおきさ)N2Nounsize
入手する (にゅうしゅする)N2Irregular verbto obtain
認める (みとめる)N2Godan verbto recognize
取り外す (とりはずす)N2Godan verbto remove
再利用する (さいりようする)N2Irregular verbto reuse
極めて (きわめて)N2Adverbextremely
交易 (こうえき)N2Nountrade
詳しい (くわしい)N2い-adjectivedetailed
調査する (ちょうさする)N2Irregular verbto investigate
進める (すすめる)N2Ichidan verbto advance
展示する (てんじする)N2Irregular verbto exhibit
検討する (けんとうする)N2Irregular verbto consider
成長する (せいちょうする)N2Irregular verbto grow
つける (つける)N5Ichidan verbto attach
できる (できる)N5Ichidan verbto be able to
もたらす (もたらす)N2Godan verbto bring
未解明 (みかいめい)N2な-adjectiveunexplained
進む (すすむ)N3Godan verbto proceed
知る (しる)N5Godan verbto know
使う (つかう)N5Godan verbto use
できる (できる)N5Ichidan verbto be able to
ある (ある)N5Godan verbto exist
する (する)N5Irregular verbto do
なる (なる)N5Irregular verbto become
進める (すすめる)N2Ichidan verbto advance
つける (つける)N5Ichidan verbto attach

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「世界で数点しか確認されておらず、道内では北海道博物館所蔵の1点に次いで2例目となる貴重な民俗資料だ。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「しか」: This is a particle used to indicate a limitation, meaning “only” or “just.” It emphasizes that the number of items confirmed is very small.
      • 「おらず」: This is the negative form of the verb 「いる」 (to exist), in its passive form, indicating that something does not exist.
      • 「次いで」: This means “following” or “next to,” used to compare two items in terms of quantity or rank.
      • 「となる」: This phrase means “to become” and is used to indicate a change in state or condition.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with a clause indicating that only a few items have been confirmed in the world, followed by a contrasting clause that states this item is the second example in Hokkaido after one held by the Hokkaido Museum. The final part of the sentence identifies the item as a valuable folk material.
  2. Sentence: 「樺太のアイヌ民族とビーズについての研究に詳しいアイヌ民族博物館の田村将人・資料情報室長によると、樺太アイヌの子どもが前髪から垂らしてつけたとみられる。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「によると」: This phrase means “according to” and is used to attribute information to a source or person.
      • 「とみられる」: This is a passive form that means “is thought to be” or “is considered to be,” indicating speculation or assumption.
      • 「垂らしてつけた」: This is a compound verb form where 「垂らす」 (to hang down) and 「つける」 (to attach) are combined, indicating the action of hanging something from the hair.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a reference to a person (田村将人) who is knowledgeable about the Ainu people and beads. It then presents his opinion or conclusion about how Ainu children wore the beads, specifically mentioning that they were attached to the front hair.
  3. Sentence: 「男児だけが使ったとも、女児や女性も髪飾りにしたとの記録もあり、未解明な部分が多い。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「とも」: This is a conjunction that means “also” or “too,” used to indicate an additional point or possibility.
      • 「との記録もあり」: This phrase means “there are also records that…” where 「との」 indicates that the following statement is based on records or reports.
      • 「未解明な部分が多い」: This means “there are many unexplained parts,” where 「未解明」 means “unexplained” and 「部分」 means “parts.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence presents two contrasting ideas: one that suggests only boys used the beads, and another that indicates records exist showing girls and women also used them as hair ornaments. It concludes by stating that there are many aspects that remain unexplained, emphasizing the ambiguity in the historical use of the beads.


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