
産科医不足で分娩中止、妊婦100人が転院に NTT東日本関東病院


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
不足 (ふそく)N3Nounshortage, deficiency
受け入れ (うけいれ)N3Nounacceptance, receiving
中止 (ちゅうし)N3Nounsuspension, stoppage
発表 (はっぴょう)N3Nounannouncement, publication
紹介 (しょうかい)N3Nounintroduction, referral
決まる (きまる)N4Verb (Godan)to be decided, to be settled
対応 (たいおう)N3Nouncorrespondence, coping
急病 (きゅうびょう)N2Nounsudden illness
退職 (たいしょく)N2Nounretirement, resignation
重なる (かさなる)N3Verb (Godan)to overlap, to coincide
半減 (はんげん)N1Nounreduction by half
理由 (りゆう)N4Nounreason, motive
申し出 (もうしだ)N2Nounproposal, application
最終 (さいしゅう)N3Nounlast, final
出勤 (しゅっきん)N2Nounattendance at work
急いで (いそいで)N3Adverbhurriedly, quickly
明かす (あかす)N2Verb (Godan)to reveal, to disclose
確保 (かくほ)N2Nounsecuring, guarantee
難しい (むずかしい)N5Adjective (い)difficult, hard
続ける (つづける)N4Verb (Ichidan)to continue, to keep up
交渉 (こうしょう)N2Nounnegotiation, bargaining
複数 (ふくすう)N2Nounseveral, multiple
希望 (きぼう)N3Nounhope, wish
踏まえる (ふまえる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to be based on, to take into consideration
順次 (じゅんじ)N1Adverbin order, sequentially
手続き (てつづき)N2Nounprocedure, process
対象 (たいしょう)N2Nountarget, object
伝える (つたえる)N4Verb (Ichidan)to convey, to report

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 11月中旬から新たな分娩の受け入れを停止し、今月5日から全ての分娩を中止した。

    1. This sentence includes the grammar point “te-form + から” to indicate the starting point of an action and “te-form + から” to indicate the starting point of an action.
    2. The structure of the sentence is “te-form of a verb + から + action.” It indicates that an action (in this case, stopping the acceptance of new deliveries) started from a specific point in time (mid-November) and another action (stopping all deliveries) started from a different point in time (the 5th of this month).
  • 常勤医が半減した理由について、病院の広報担当者は「たまたまだ」と説明。

    1. This sentence includes the grammar point “たまたま” which means “by chance” or “by accident.”
    2. The structure of the sentence is “reason/cause + について, explanation.” It indicates that the hospital’s PR representative explained the reason for the halving of full-time doctors, using “たまたま” to convey the reason as “by chance” or “by accident.”
  • 退職などの申し出から、最終出勤日まで数週間しかなく、「急いで非常勤医師の募集をかけたが、非常勤医師も本来の勤務先がある人たちなので、確保が難しかった」と明かす。

    1. This sentence includes the grammar point “など” to indicate examples or similar things and “が” to indicate a reason or cause.
    2. The structure of the sentence is “reason/cause + から, situation + が + explanation.” It indicates that due to reasons such as resignations, there were only a few weeks until the final working day, and it was revealed that although they hurried to recruit part-time doctors, it was difficult to secure them because part-time doctors already had their original workplaces.


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