
法政大の授業中、ハンマーで殴打した疑い 22歳学生逮捕、8人けが


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
振り回す (ふりまわす)N2Godan verbto swing around
殴打 (おうだ)N2Nounbeating
搬送 (はんそう)N2Noun/Ichidan verbtransport
意識 (いしき)N2Nounconsciousness
受ける (うける)N2Ichidan verbto receive
殴る (なぐる)N2Godan verbto hit
傷害 (しょうがい)N2Nouninjury
現行犯 (げんこうはん)N2Nouncaught in the act
供述 (きょうじゅつ)N1Noun/Ichidan verbtestimony
いじめる (いじめる)N2Ichidan verbto bully
やもや (やもや)N1Nounfrustration
うっぷん (うっぷん)N1Nounpent-up feelings
通報 (つうほう)N2Noun/Ichidan verbreport (to the police)
驚く (おどろく)N2Godan verbto be surprised
試験 (しけん)N3Nounexam
聞こえる (きこえる)N2Ichidan verbto be heard
思う (おもう)N3Godan verbto think
知る (しる)N3Godan verbto know
通う (かよう)N2Godan verbto commute
受け取る (うけとる)N2Godan verbto receive
終わる (おわる)N3Godan verbto end
驚く (おどろく)N2Godan verbto be surprised
いる (いる)N5Ichidan verbto exist
ある (ある)N5Godan verbto exist
知らせる (しらせる)N2Ichidan verbto inform
調査 (ちょうさ)N2Noun/Ichidan verbinvestigation
起きる (おきる)N2Ichidan verbto occur
受け持つ (うけもつ)N1Godan verbto be in charge of
通じる (つうじる)N2Godan verbto communicate
参加 (さんか)N3Noun/Ichidan verbparticipation
進む (すすむ)N3Godan verbto advance
変わる (かわる)N3Godan verbto change
確認 (かくにん)N2Noun/Ichidan verbconfirmation

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「授業中に学生1人がハンマーを振り回し、着席していた学生たちを殴打した」と110番通報があった。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「授業中に」: This phrase uses the particle 「中」 to indicate “during” or “in the middle of” a certain time or event.
    • 「振り回し」: This is the gerund form of the verb 「振り回す」 (to swing around), indicating an ongoing action.
    • 「着席していた」: This is the past continuous form of the verb 「着席する」 (to be seated), showing that the students were in a seated position at the time of the incident.
    • 「殴打した」: This is the past tense of the verb 「殴打する」 (to strike), indicating that the action has been completed.


    • The sentence starts with a time clause 「授業中に」, followed by the subject 「学生1人が」 and the main verb phrase 「ハンマーを振り回し、着席していた学生たちを殴打した」. The sentence concludes with the reporting phrase 「と110番通報があった」, indicating that a report was made about the incident.
  2. Sentence: 「いじめられてもやもやしていた。うっぷんがたまって、学校にあったハンマーで学生を殴った」と供述しているという。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「いじめられても」: This uses the passive form of the verb 「いじめる」 (to bully), combined with the particle 「も」 to indicate “even if” or “although” he was bullied.
    • 「やもやしていた」: This is a colloquial expression meaning to feel frustrated or uneasy, using the past continuous form.
    • 「うっぷんがたまって」: This phrase means “having pent-up frustration,” where 「うっぷん」 refers to accumulated grievances or frustrations, and 「たまって」 is the gerund form of the verb 「たまる」 (to accumulate).
    • 「供述している」: This is the present continuous form of the verb 「供述する」 (to testify or state), indicating that he is currently providing this statement.


    • The sentence consists of two main clauses: the first describes his emotional state and the second explains the action he took. The first clause ends with a period, while the second clause begins with 「うっぷんがたまって」 and leads into the action he took, concluding with 「と供述しているという」, indicating that this is what he stated.
  3. Sentence: 「同大広報によると、8日から冬休み明けの授業が始まっていた。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「同大広報によると」: This phrase means “according to the university’s public relations,” where 「によると」 indicates the source of the information.
    • 「冬休み明けの授業」: This compound noun means “classes after the winter break,” where 「明け」 refers to the end of a period.
    • 「始まっていた」: This is the past continuous form of the verb 「始まる」 (to begin), indicating that the classes had started and were ongoing at that time.


    • The sentence begins with the source of the information, 「同大広報によると」, followed by the main clause 「8日から冬休み明けの授業が始まっていた」. The structure clearly indicates that the information is being reported from a specific source and provides a timeline for when the classes began.


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