だんじりの練習中 引き手の男性、ガードレールに挟まれて死亡
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
引く (ひく) | N5 | verb | to pull |
先頭 (せんとう) | N3 | noun | front, lead |
佐古 (さこ) | N/A | noun | proper noun for a person’s name |
吉 (よし) | N/A | noun | good luck |
隆 (たかし) | N/A | noun | proper noun for a person’s name |
する | N5 | verb | to do |
挟まる (はさまる) | N4 | verb | to be caught between |
病院 (びょういん) | N4 | noun | hospital |
搬送する (はんそうする) | N3 | verb | to transport |
出血性 (しゅっけつせい) | N/A | noun | hemorrhagic |
ショック | N5 | noun | shock |
死亡 (しぼう) | N2 | noun | death |
約 (やく) | N3 | noun | approximately |
人 (ひと) | N5 | noun | person |
けが | N5 | noun | injury |
大阪 (おおさか) | N/A | noun | proper noun for a place |
生野 (いくの) | N/A | noun | proper noun for a place |
区 (く) | N4 | noun | district |
桃谷 (ももや) | N/A | noun | proper noun for a place |
丁目 (ちょうめ) | N3 | noun | city block |
路上 (ろじょう) | N/A | noun | road surface |
8日 (ようか) | N/A | noun | 8th |
午後 (ごご) | N4 | noun | afternoon |
6時 (ろくじ) | N5 | noun | 6 o’clock |
10分 (じゅっぷん) | N5 | noun | 10 minutes |
ごろ | N5 | noun | around (a time) |
だんじり | N/A | noun | proper noun for a festival float |
際 (さい) | N2 | noun | occasion, moment |
停止する (ていしする) | N3 | verb | to stop |
しきる | N1 | verb | to finish, to complete |
衝突する (しょうとつする) | N3 | verb | to collide |
みる | N5 | verb | to see |
降る (ふる) | N5 | verb | to fall (rain, snow) |
ぬれる | N4 | verb | to get wet |
調べる | N4 | verb | to investigate |
雨 (あめ) | N5 | noun | rain |
地区 (ちく) | N3 | noun | district |
祭り (まつり) | N4 | noun | festival |
備える (そなえる) | N3 | verb | to prepare |
練習 (れんしゅう) | N4 | noun | practice |
当時 (とうじ) | N2 | noun | that time, then |
詳しい (くわしい) | N3 | adjective (い) | detailed |
状況 (じょうきょう) | N3 | noun | situation |
原因 (げんいん) | N4 | noun | cause, reason |
集める (あつめる) | N3 | verb | to gather, to collect |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Explanation: This sentence describes the situation where an unidentified occupation, Mr. Yoshitaka Sakoto (52) from Ikuno Ward, Osaka, who was pulling the danjiri at the front, got caught between the danjiri and the guardrail.
- Structure:
- “だんじりを先頭で引いていた” - Relative clause modifying “職業不詳、佐古吉隆さん”: “who was pulling the danjiri at the front”
- “職業不詳、佐古吉隆さん(52)=大阪市生野区=” - Explanation about Mr. Yoshitaka Sakoto (occupation unknown, age 52, from Ikuno Ward, Osaka)
- “が” - Particle indicating the subject of the sentence
- “だんじりとガードレールの間に挟まれた” - Verb phrase: “got caught between the danjiri and the guardrail”
- Explanation: This sentence states that there were no other injured people.
- Structure:
- “ほかに” - Adverb meaning “besides,” “in addition to”
- “けが人” - Injured people
- “は” - Particle indicating the topic of the sentence
- “なかった” - Negative past tense verb form of “ない” (to be/exist)
- Explanation: This sentence states that the police are investigating the detailed circumstances and cause of the accident at that time.
- Structure:
- “署は” - The police department
- “当時の詳しい状況や事故原因” - Detailed circumstances and cause of the accident at that time
- “を” - Particle indicating the object of the investigation
- “調べている” - Progressive form of the verb “調べる” (to investigate)