
新閣僚、旧統一教会側との接点認めたのは8人 石破首相や加藤財務相


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小里おざと 泰弘やすひろ農林水産相のうりんすいさんしょう








Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
就任 (しゅうにん)N2nouninauguration
関わり (かかわり)N2nouninvolvement
問題 (もんだい)N3nounproblem
認める (みとめる)N2ichidan verbto acknowledge
入閣 (にゅうかく)N2noun/verbcabinet appointment / to enter the cabinet
受け取る (うけとる)N2godan verbto receive
出席 (しゅっせき)N2noun/verbattendance / to attend
送る (おくる)N3godan verbto send
認識 (にんしき)N2noun/verbrecognition / to recognize
指摘 (してき)N2noun/verbindication / to point out
実施 (じっし)N2noun/verbimplementation / to implement
政治活動 (せいじかつどう)N2nounpolitical activity
保護 (ほご)N2noun/verbprotection / to protect
自由 (じゆう)N3nounfreedom
観点 (かんてん)N2nounviewpoint
直後 (ちょくご)N2adverbimmediately after
特段 (とくだん)N2adverbparticularly
教団 (きょうだん)N2nounreligious organization
関連 (かんれん)N2nounrelation
経緯 (けいい)N2nouncircumstances
点検 (てんけん)N2noun/verbinspection / to inspect
支援 (しえん)N2noun/verbsupport / to support
政治 (せいじ)N3nounpolitics
参加 (さんか)N3noun/verbparticipation / to participate
受ける (うける)N3ichidan verbto receive
説明 (せつめい)N3noun/verbexplanation / to explain
参加者 (さんかしゃ)N2nounparticipant
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
確認 (かくにん)N2noun/verbconfirmation / to confirm
影響 (えいきょう)N2noun/verbinfluence / to influence
可能 (かのう)N2な-adjectivepossible
重要視 (じゅうようし)N2noun/verbto regard as important
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「岸田文雄前首相の就任から3年の間に、国会では、自民党派閥の裏金と、世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)と政治の関わりが大きな問題となった。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「の」: This is a possessive particle that connects nouns, indicating that “岸田文雄前首相” (former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida) possesses “就任” (appointment).
    • 「から」: This particle indicates the starting point in time, meaning “from.”
    • 「の間に」: This phrase means “during the period of,” indicating a time frame.
    • 「となった」: This is the past tense of the verb “なる” (to become), indicating a change of state.


    • The sentence starts with a time clause “岸田文雄前首相の就任から3年の間に” (During the three years since the appointment of former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida).
    • The main clause follows, stating that “国会では、自民党派閥の裏金と、世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)と政治の関わりが大きな問題となった” (In the Diet, the connection between the Liberal Democratic Party factions’ slush funds and the World Peace Unification Family Association (formerly the Unification Church) became a major issue).
  2. Sentence: 「石破氏は、教団側から献金を受けたり、パーティー券を買ってもらったりしたことがあると認め、理由や経緯については「政治活動の自由及びプライバシーの保護の観点から回答は控える」としていた。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「たり…たりする」: This construction is used to list actions or states, implying that there are other actions not mentioned.
    • 「ことがある」: This phrase indicates that the subject has experienced or done something at least once.
    • 「と認め」: This means “acknowledged that,” where 「と」 indicates the content of the acknowledgment.
    • 「控える」: This verb means “to refrain from,” often used in contexts where someone is avoiding giving a response.


    • The sentence begins with the subject “石破氏は” (Mr. Ishiba) and describes his actions regarding receiving donations and buying party tickets.
    • It continues with “と認め” (acknowledged that) and then presents his reasoning for not elaborating on the details, which is quoted as “政治活動の自由及びプライバシーの保護の観点から回答は控える” (refraining from answering from the perspective of freedom of political activity and privacy protection).
  3. Sentence: 「自民党も、朝日のアンケートと同時期に「点検」を実施。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「も」: This particle means “also” or “too,” indicating that the subject shares a characteristic or action with another subject.
    • 「と同時期に」: This phrase means “at the same time as,” indicating simultaneous actions or events.
    • 「実施」: This noun means “implementation” or “conducting,” often used in formal contexts.


    • The sentence starts with the subject “自民党も” (The Liberal Democratic Party also) and indicates that they are performing an action.
    • The main verb “実施” (implemented) is connected to the time phrase “朝日のアンケートと同時期に” (at the same time as the Asahi newspaper’s survey), indicating when the action took place.


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