処方箋なし緊急避妊薬、試験販売拡大へ 今月にも薬局200以上追加
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
緊急 (きんきゅう) | N3 | な-adjective | urgent |
避妊 (ひにん) | N1 | noun | contraception |
薬 (くすり) | N5 | noun | medicine |
処方箋 (せん) | N2 | noun | prescription |
買える (かえる) | N4 | godan verb | can buy |
OTC | N/A | abbreviation | over-the-counter |
医薬品 (いやくひん) | N2 | noun | pharmaceuticals |
試験販売 (しけんはんばい) | N1 | noun | trial sale |
薬局 (やっきょく) | N3 | noun | pharmacy |
増える (ふえる) | N4 | godan verb | increase |
見通し (みとおし) | N2 | noun | outlook |
日本薬剤師会 (にほんやくざいしかい) | N1 | noun | Japan Pharmaceutical Association |
下旬 (げじゅん) | N1 | noun | end of the month |
追加 (ついか) | N3 | noun | addition |
調整 (ちょうせい) | N2 | noun | adjustment |
都道府県 (とどうふけん) | N3 | noun | prefectures |
偏り (かたより) | N2 | noun | imbalance |
減らす (へらす) | N3 | godan verb | reduce |
収集 (しゅうしゅう) | N2 | noun | collection |
体制 (たいせい) | N2 | noun | system |
拡充 (かくじゅう) | N1 | noun | expansion |
排卵 (はいらん) | N1 | noun | ovulation |
遅らせる (おくらせる) | N2 | ichidan verb | delay |
性交後 (せいこうご) | N1 | noun | after intercourse |
確率 (かくりつ) | N2 | noun | probability |
購入 (こうにゅう) | N3 | noun | purchase |
医師 (いし) | N3 | noun | doctor |
必要 (ひつよう) | N4 | な-adjective | necessary |
昨年 (さくねん) | N3 | noun | last year |
研究 (けんきゅう) | N3 | noun | research |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- This sentence contains the phrase “処方箋(せん)なしで買える”, where “処方箋なしで” means “without a prescription” and “買える” means “can buy.”
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The structure of this sentence is Subject + Object + Verb + Phrase. The subject is “緊急避妊薬” (emergency contraceptive), the object is “OTC医薬品” (over-the-counter medicine), the verb is “する” (to make), and the phrase “処方箋なしで買える” modifies the object to indicate that it can be bought without a prescription.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- This sentence contains the phrase “購入には医師の処方箋が必要だが”, where “購入には” means “for purchase,” “医師の処方箋が必要だ” means “a doctor’s prescription is necessary,” and “が” is a conjunction particle.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The structure of this sentence is Complex Sentence with a Conjunction. The first part introduces the condition for purchase, followed by the conjunction “が” to connect it to the next part that explains the requirement of a doctor’s prescription.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- This sentence contains the phrase “人口あたりの販売数が少なかった地域や1カ所の薬局に購入者が集中した地域を中心に”, where “人口あたりの販売数が少なかった地域” means “areas where the sales per population were low,” “1カ所の薬局に購入者が集中した地域” means “areas where buyers concentrated in one pharmacy,” and “を中心に” means “centered around.”
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- The structure of this sentence is Subject + Object + Verb + Phrase. The subject is not explicitly stated, but it refers to the areas mentioned in the phrases, the object is “協力薬局の追加” (addition of cooperating pharmacies), the verb is “予定している” (planned), and the phrase “人口あたりの販売数が少なかった地域や1カ所の薬局に購入者が集中した地域を中心に” provides additional information about the areas targeted for the planned addition of cooperating pharmacies.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
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