【随時更新】岩手・久慈の緊急安全確保は解除 レベル3に 台風5号
【12日にち 午後 3時じ】
【12日にち 午後 3時じ】
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
上陸する (じょうりくする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to land |
続く (つづく) | N2 | Godan verb | to continue |
更新する (こうしんする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to update |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | Noun | influence |
運休する (うんきゅうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to suspend service |
確認する (かくにんする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to confirm |
浸水する (しんすいする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to flood |
被害 (ひがい) | N2 | Noun | damage |
高齢者 (こうれいしゃ) | N2 | Noun | elderly person |
切り替える (きりかえる) | N2 | Godan verb | to switch |
発令する (はつれいする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to issue (a warning) |
解除する (かいじょする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to lift (a restriction) |
移行する (いこうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to transition |
放流する (ほうりゅうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to release (water) |
可能性 (かのうせい) | N2 | Noun | possibility |
影響する (えいきょうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to affect |
確保する (かくほする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to secure |
状況 (じょうきょう) | N2 | Noun | situation |
警戒 (けいかい) | N2 | Noun | vigilance |
随時 (ずいじ) | N2 | Adverb | as needed |
計 (けい) | N2 | Noun | total |
孤立する (こりつする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to be isolated |
住民 (じゅうみん) | N2 | Noun | residents |
準備 (じゅんび) | N2 | Noun | preparation |
影響を受ける (えいきょうをうける) | N2 | Irregular verb | to be affected |
見込む (みこむ) | N2 | Godan verb | to expect |
発表する (はっぴょうする) | N2 | Irregular verb | to announce |
確認中 (かくにんちゅう) | N2 | Noun | under confirmation |
解除 (かいじょ) | N2 | Noun | lifting (of a restriction) |
高い (たかい) | N3 | い-adjective | high |
影響力 (えいきょうりょく) | N2 | Noun | influence power |
状況に応じて (じょうきょうにおうじて) | N2 | Adverb | depending on the situation |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical Points:
- 「は」: Topic marker, indicating that 台風5号 (Typhoon No. 5) is the topic of the sentence.
- 「ごろ」: Indicates an approximate time, meaning “around” or “about.”
- 「に」: Indicates the direction or target of the action, in this case, the location where the typhoon made landfall.
- 「上陸しました」: The verb 上陸する (to make landfall) in the past tense, indicating a completed action.
- The sentence follows a simple subject + time + location + verb structure. The subject is 台風5号, followed by the time expression (12日午前8時半ごろ), the location (岩手県大船渡市付近), and the verb (上陸しました).
Grammatical Points:
- 「によると」: A phrase meaning “according to,” indicating the source of the information.
- 「では」: Indicates the context or scope, meaning “in” or “within.”
- 「計」: Means “total” or “in total,” used to summarize the number of buildings affected.
- 「確認」: A noun form of the verb 確認する (to confirm), indicating that confirmation has taken place.
- The sentence begins with the source of information (岩手県によると), followed by the context (県内では), then the subject (岩泉町と釜石市の計4棟), and ends with the action (床下浸水を確認). The structure emphasizes the source and context before presenting the confirmed information.
Grammatical Points:
- 「による」: Indicates causation or reason, meaning “due to” or “because of.”
- 「見込まれる」: A passive form of the verb 見込む (to expect), indicating that heavy rain is anticipated.
- 「として」: Indicates a conditional or reasoning context, meaning “as” or “based on.”
- 「発表」: A noun form of the verb 発表する (to announce), indicating that an announcement has been made.
- The sentence starts with the cause (台風による大雨が見込まれるとして), followed by the subject (JR東日本秋田支社), then the action (発表) and the details of the announcement (秋田新幹線の午後の上下線計5本について盛岡―秋田駅間で区間運休にする). The structure emphasizes the reason for the announcement before detailing the action taken by the company.
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