離れていても「ワンチーム」 被災した石川の野球部へ、仙台育英から
離れていても心はつながっている――。春季の北信越地区高校野球石川県大会(県高校野球連盟主催、朝日新聞社など後援)で21日、初戦に臨んだ飯田(珠洲市)のベンチにメッセージボードが飾られていた。書かれていた言葉は「ONE TEAM」。3月に交流した仙台育英(仙台市)からの贈り物だった。
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
離れる (はなれる) | N3 | Godan verb | to separate; to be apart |
つながる | N3 | Godan verb | to be connected; to be linked |
臨む (のぞむ) | N3 | Godan verb | to face; to confront |
飾る (かざる) | N3 | Godan verb | to decorate; to adorn |
書く (かく) | N5 | Godan verb | to write |
贈る (おくる) | N3 | Godan verb | to give; to present |
共に (ともに) | N2 | Adverb | together; jointly |
乗り越える (のりこえる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to overcome; to get over |
彩る (いろどる) | N1 | Godan verb | to color; to paint |
後押しする (あとおしする) | N1 | Suru verb | to support; to back up |
書かれる | N2 | Passive verb | to be written |
贈り物 (おくりもの) | N2 | Noun | gift; present |
駆けつける (かけつける) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to rush to; to run up to |
応援する (おうえんする) | N3 | Suru verb | to support; to cheer on |
感じる (かんじる) | N4 | Ichidan verb | to feel; to sense |
入る (はいる) | N5 | Godan verb | to enter |
断水する (だんすいする) | N1 | Suru verb | to cut off the water supply |
話す (はなす) | N5 | Godan verb | to speak; to talk |
負ける (まける) | N5 | Ichidan verb | to lose |
就任する (しゅうにんする) | N1 | Suru verb | to assume office; to take up a post |
硬い (かたい) | N4 | い-adjective | stiff; hard |
楽しむ (たのしむ) | N4 | Godan verb | to enjoy |
実力 (じつりょく) | N2 | Noun | actual ability; true strength |
上げる (あげる) | N4 | Ichidan verb | to raise; to lift |
試合 (しあい) | N4 | Noun | game; match |
将来 (しょうらい) | N3 | Noun | future |
練習 (れんしゅう) | N4 | Noun | practice; training |
感謝 (かんしゃ) | N3 | Noun | gratitude; thanks |
気持ち (きもち) | N4 | Noun | feelings; emotions |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence includes the verb “乗り越える” (to overcome) in its potential form “乗り越えましょう” (let’s overcome). The verb is used in conjunction with the auxiliary verb “共に” (together) to express the idea of overcoming something together.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence: The sentence follows the pattern of “[Noun]へ[Noun]ましょう” where the potential form of a verb is used to suggest an action to be done together towards a specific goal or target.
- Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence includes the verb “後押しする” (to support/assist) in its past tense form “後押しした” (supported). The verb is used in conjunction with the noun “エール” (cheer) to describe the support provided by a colorful rainbow.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence: The sentence structure is “[Noun]が[Noun]が後押しした” where the subject marker “が” is used to indicate the subject of the sentence and the verb “後押しした” is used to show the action of supporting or assisting.
- Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence includes the verb phrase “チームに戻ってくる” (to return to the team). The verb “戻ってくる” is in its past tense form “戻ってきた” (returned). The particle “が” is used to mark the subject of the sentence, which is “全員” (everyone).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence: The sentence structure is “[Noun]が[Noun]に戻ってきた” where the subject marker “が” is used to indicate the subject of the sentence, and the verb “戻ってきた” is used to show the action of returning to the team.
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