
季節感じて味わって 年越しそば求め行列 盛岡の老舗は6千食分用意


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
にぎわった (にぎわう)N2godan verbto be lively, to be crowded
求める (もとめる)N2ichidan verbto seek, to request
行列 (ぎょうれつ)N2nounline, queue
創業 (そうぎょう)N2noun/ichidan verbestablishment, to establish
特徴 (とくちょう)N2nouncharacteristic
持ち帰り (もちかえり)N2nountakeout
飲食 (いんしょく)N2nouneating and drinking
戻ってきた (もどる)N2godan verbto return
追われ (おわれる)N2ichidan verbto be chased, to be pursued
振る舞った (ふるまう)N2godan verbto entertain, to behave
縁起物 (えんぎもの)N2nounauspicious item
願う (ねがう)N2godan verbto wish, to hope
感じて (かんじる)N2ichidan verbto feel
休み (やすみ)N3nounrest, holiday
営業 (えいぎょう)N3noun/ichidan verbbusiness hours, to operate
(きゃく)N3nouncustomer, guest
常連 (じょうれん)N3nounregular customer
そばN3nounbuckwheat noodles
年越し (としこし)N3nounNew Year’s Eve
そば店 (そばてん)N3nounsoba shop
良い (よい)N3い-adjectivegood
細い (ほそい)N3い-adjectivethin
長い (ながい)N3い-adjectivelong
早朝 (そうちょう)N2nounearly morning
迎えた (むかえる)N2godan verbto welcome
用意した (よういする)N2irregular verbto prepare
できた (できる)N3godan verbto be able to, to be done
休む (やすむ)N3godan verbto rest
感じる (かんじる)N3ichidan verbto feel
そばを振る舞う (ふるまう)N2godan verbto serve soba

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「盛岡市中ノ橋通1丁目の老舗そば店「直利庵(ちょくりあん)」では昼前に行列ができた。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「では」: This is a particle that indicates the topic of the sentence. It can be used to specify the location or context in which the action takes place.
      • 「行列ができた」: This phrase means “a line was formed.” The verb 「できる」 indicates the occurrence of an event or the formation of something.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the location and context: 「盛岡市中ノ橋通1丁目の老舗そば店「直利庵」」 (the long-established soba shop “Chokurian” in Nakanohashi-dori, Morioka City).
      • The topic is introduced with 「では」, followed by the action that took place: 「昼前に行列ができた」 (a line formed before noon).
  2. 「コロナ前の水準にだいぶ戻ってきたという。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「という」: This is a phrase used to convey reported speech or information. It can indicate that what precedes it is something that has been said or reported.
      • 「戻ってきた」: This is the past tense of the verb 「戻る」 (to return), combined with 「きた」, which indicates that the action has relevance to the present.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the context: 「コロナ前の水準に」 (to the level before COVID-19).
      • It then states the action: 「だいぶ戻ってきた」 (has returned considerably), followed by 「という」 to imply that this information is being reported or stated by someone.
  3. 「おかみの松井裕子さん(80)は「そばは細く長いことから長寿を願う縁起物でもある。」と話した。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「ことから」: This phrase indicates a reason or cause, meaning “because” or “due to the fact that.”
      • 「縁起物」: This term refers to a good luck charm or auspicious item, often associated with wishes for good fortune or longevity.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject: 「おかみの松井裕子さん(80)」 (the owner, Ms. Yuko Matsui, 80 years old).
      • It then presents her statement: 「そばは細く長いことから長寿を願う縁起物でもある」 (soba is a good luck charm that wishes for longevity because it is thin and long).
      • The sentence concludes with 「と話した」, indicating that she spoke this statement.


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