
初の女性棋士誕生ならず 将棋・西山女流三冠、試験官5人に「感謝」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
将棋 (しょうぎ)N3nounshogi (Japanese chess)
女流 (じょりゅう)N2nounfemale player
三冠 (さんかん)N2nounthree titles
敗れる (やぶれる)N2ichidan verbto be defeated
通算 (つうさん)N2nountotal (cumulative)
不合格 (ふごうかく)N2nounfailure (in an exam)
養成 (ようせい)N2nountraining
在籍 (ざいせき)N2noun/ichidan verbenrollment
勝ち抜く (かちぬく)N2godan verbto win through
性別 (せいべつ)N2noungender
退会 (たいかい)N2noun/ichidan verbwithdrawal (from membership)
転向 (てんこう)N2noun/ichidan verbchange of direction
挑む (いどむ)N2godan verbto challenge
受験 (じゅけん)N2noun/ichidan verbtaking an exam
資格 (しかく)N2nounqualification
好成績 (こうせいせき)N2noungood results
力強い (ちからづよい)N2い-adjectivepowerful
指し回し (さしまわし)N2nounmaneuvering (in shogi)
異名 (いみょう)N2nounnickname
終局 (しゅうきょく)N2nounend of the game
注視 (ちゅうし)N2noun/ichidan verbto observe closely
形勢判断 (けいせいはんだん)N1nounsituation judgment
振り返る (ふりかえる)N2godan verbto look back
大一番 (だいいちばん)N2nouncrucial match
試験官 (しけんかん)N2nounexaminer
受験資格 (じゅけんしかく)N1nounexamination qualification
活動 (かつどう)N3nounactivity
得意 (とくい)N2な-adjectivegood at
目の前 (めのまえ)N3nounin front of
進学 (しんがく)N2noun/ichidan verbadvancing to higher education

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「通算成績2勝3敗で不合格となり、女性初の「棋士」誕生とはならなかった。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「通算成績」(つうさんせいせき) means “cumulative record” or “overall results.”
      • 「不合格となり」(ふごうかくとなり) uses the verb 「なる」(to become) in the passive form, indicating that the subject has become something (in this case, “not passing”).
      • 「とはならなかった」(とはならなかった) is a negative past form of 「なる」, meaning “did not become.” The 「と」 here indicates a quotation or a statement about what was expected.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “通算成績2勝3敗” which sets the context for the result. It then uses the conjunction “で” to connect to the result of “不合格となり,” followed by a clause that indicates the failure to achieve the expected outcome of “女性初の「棋士」誕生.”
  2. 「ただ、他にも、アマや女流棋士を対象とした棋士編入試験に合格し、棋士になる道もある。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「ただ」(tada) means “however” or “but,” indicating a contrast or additional information.
      • 「対象とした」(たいしょうとした) is a compound verb phrase where 「対象」 means “target” or “subject,” and 「とした」 indicates that something is being treated as the target.
      • 「合格し」(ごうかくし) is the te-form of the verb 「合格する」(to pass), connecting it to the next clause.
      • 「道もある」(みちもある) means “there is also a way,” where 「道」 refers to a method or path.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with “ただ” to introduce a contrasting point. It then lists “他にも” (in addition) followed by the subjects “アマや女流棋士” (amateur and female shogi players) and the action “棋士編入試験に合格し” (pass the shogi professional entrance exam). Finally, it concludes with “棋士になる道もある,” indicating that there are other ways to become a professional shogi player.
  3. 「その後、棋士相手の公式戦で好成績を挙げ、昨年7月に受験資格を獲得。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「その後」(そのご) means “after that,” indicating a sequence of events.
      • 「好成績を挙げ」(こうせいせきをあげ) uses the verb 「挙げる」(to achieve or to raise) in the te-form, connecting it to the next clause.
      • 「受験資格を獲得」(じゅけんしかくをかくとく) means “acquired examination qualifications,” where 「獲得」 is a noun form of the verb meaning “to acquire.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with “その後” to set the temporal context. It then describes the action of achieving good results in official matches against professionals, followed by the outcome of acquiring examination qualifications in July of the previous year. The two actions are connected by the te-form of the verb, indicating a sequence of events.


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