フードバンク「苦しい時は頼って」 夏休みの食事、防災食届けて支援
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
支援 (しえん) | N2 | noun | support |
必要 (ひつよう) | N2 | noun | necessity |
食生活 (しょくせいかつ) | N2 | noun | dietary life |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to promote |
確保 (かくほ) | N2 | noun | securing |
苦しむ (くるしむ) | N2 | godan verb | to suffer |
助ける (たすける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to help |
ねらい (ねらい) | N2 | noun | aim |
寄付 (きふ) | N2 | noun | donation |
活用 (かつよう) | N2 | noun | utilization |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N2 | godan verb | to tackle |
心配 (しんぱい) | N3 | noun | worry |
頼る (たよる) | N2 | godan verb | to rely |
口コミ (くちコミ) | N2 | noun | word of mouth |
広がる (ひろがる) | N2 | godan verb | to spread |
食料品 (しょくりょうひん) | N2 | noun | food products |
無料 (むりょう) | N3 | な-adjective | free (of charge) |
生活 (せいかつ) | N4 | noun | life |
期間 (きかん) | N2 | noun | period |
宅配便 (たくはいびん) | N2 | noun | delivery service |
賞味期限 (しょうみきげん) | N2 | noun | expiration date |
迫る (せまる) | N2 | godan verb | to approach |
応募 (おうぼ) | N2 | noun | application |
予定 (よてい) | N3 | noun | schedule |
代表 (だいひょう) | N2 | noun | representative |
団体 (だんたい) | N2 | noun | organization |
食品 (しょくひん) | N3 | noun | food |
進行 (しんこう) | N2 | noun | progress |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
参加 (さんか) | N3 | noun | participation |
提供 (ていきょう) | N2 | noun | provision |
取り扱う (とりあつかう) | N2 | godan verb | to handle |
申し込む (もうしこむ) | N2 | godan verb | to apply |
進展 (しんてん) | N2 | noun | development |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「学校給食がない夏休みの食事の確保や、食料品の値上がりに苦しむ人たちの家計を助けるのがねらい。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「が」: This particle indicates the subject of the sentence. Here, it marks “the aim” (ねらい) as the subject.
- 「の」: This particle is used to connect nouns and can indicate possession or description. In this case, it connects “summer vacation” (夏休み) and “meals” (食事) to describe the type of meals.
- 「や」: This particle is used to list items in a non-exhaustive way, similar to “and” in English.
- 「助ける」: This is the verb “to help,” in its dictionary form, indicating the action being taken.
- The sentence can be broken down into two main parts: “securing meals during summer vacation” (学校給食がない夏休みの食事の確保) and “helping the household finances of people suffering from rising food prices” (食料品の値上がりに苦しむ人たちの家計を助ける). The subject of the entire sentence is “the aim” (ねらい), which is being described by the two actions listed.
Sentence: 「企業や行政機関から寄付を受けた防災食(アルファ米、防災食カレーごはん、缶入りパン、パスタなど)をセットにして、応募があった世帯に期間中1回、宅配便で無料で届ける。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「から」: This particle indicates the source or origin, in this case, “from companies and government agencies” (企業や行政機関から).
- 「受けた」: This is the past tense of the verb “to receive” (受ける), indicating that the action has already occurred.
- 「を」: This particle marks the direct object of the verb, which is “disaster food” (防災食).
- 「に」: This particle indicates the target or recipient of an action, here it refers to “households that applied” (応募があった世帯).
- 「期間中」: This means “during the period,” indicating the timeframe for the delivery.
- The sentence starts with the subject “disaster food” (防災食), which is modified by the clause “received from companies and government agencies” (企業や行政機関から寄付を受けた). It then describes the action of setting these foods into a package (セットにして) and delivering them to households that applied (応募があった世帯に). The sentence concludes with details about the delivery frequency and method (期間中1回、宅配便で無料で届ける).
Sentence: 「フードバンクすずかの寺田覚代表理事は「口コミで広がってきてはいるが、とくに岐阜県、三重県からの応募が少ないのが心配。」と話す。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「は」: This particle indicates the topic of the sentence, which is “Terada Satoru, the representative director of Food Bank Suzuka” (フードバンクすずかの寺田覚代表理事).
- 「で」: This particle indicates the means or method, in this case, “by word of mouth” (口コミで).
- 「が」: This particle is used to mark the subject of the subordinate clause, which is “applications from Gifu and Mie Prefectures” (岐阜県、三重県からの応募).
- 「心配」: This is an adjective meaning “worried” or “concerned,” used here in a nominalized form.
- The sentence begins with the topic (フードバンクすずかの寺田覚代表理事は), followed by a quoted statement (「口コミで広がってきてはいるが、とくに岐阜県、三重県からの応募が少ないのが心配。」). The quoted statement consists of two parts: the first part indicates that the information is spreading by word of mouth (口コミで広がってきてはいるが), and the second part expresses concern about the low number of applications from Gifu and Mie Prefectures (とくに岐阜県、三重県からの応募が少ないのが心配).
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