3千万円横領容疑で社福前理事長ら逮捕 使途不明金1億円の一部か
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
理事長 (りじちょう) | N/A | Noun | chairman |
選任 (せんにん) | N/A | Noun | appointment |
貴寿会 (きじゅかい) | N/A | Noun | Kijukai (name of the organization) |
贈収賄 (ぞうしゅうわい) | N/A | Noun | bribery |
事件 (じけん) | N/A | Noun | incident |
福岡県警 (ふくおかけんけい) | N/A | Noun | Fukuoka Prefectural Police |
理事 (りじ) | N/A | Noun | board member |
業務上横領 (ぎょうむじょうおうりょう) | N/A | Noun | embezzlement |
認否 (にんぴ) | N/A | Noun | acknowledgment |
捜査 (そうさ) | N/A | Noun | investigation |
口座 (こうざ) | N/A | Noun | account |
現金 (げんきん) | N/A | Noun | cash |
資産 (しさん) | N/A | Noun | assets |
会計責任者 (かいけいせきにんしゃ) | N/A | Noun | accounting officer |
使途不明金 (しとふめいきん) | N/A | Noun | unaccounted funds |
役員 (やくいん) | N/A | Noun | officer |
授受 (じゅじゅ) | N/A | Noun | giving and receiving |
社会福祉法違反 (しゃかいふくしほういはん) | N/A | Noun | violation of the Social Welfare Law |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
起訴 (きそ) | N/A | Noun | prosecution |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Grammatical points:
- として: This is a conjunction that indicates the role or capacity in which an action is performed.
- Structure of the sentence:
- 藤井容疑者は理事長として資産を管理し: “Fujii, the suspect, managed the assets as the director”
- 、田中容疑者は会計責任者だった: “and Tanaka, the suspect, was the person in charge of accounting.”
- Grammatical points:
- Grammatical points:
- ~を巡り: This is a phrase that indicates the subject or cause around which something happens.
- として: This is a conjunction that indicates the reason or cause for something.
- Structure of the sentence:
- 貴寿会では、役員選任を巡り: “Regarding the appointment of officers at Kijukai”
- 、約9400万円の現金授受があったとして: “it is said that there was a cash exchange of about 94 million yen”
- 、県警は藤井、田中両容疑者ら3人を社会福祉法違反(贈賄)の疑いで: “the prefectural police have arrested Fujii, Tanaka, and three others on suspicion of violating the Social Welfare Law (bribery)”
- 、現理事長の今宮一成容疑者(57)=同県香春(かわら)町=を同法違反(収賄)の疑いで逮捕している: “and have arrested the current director, Imamiya Kazunari, on suspicion of violating the same law (receiving bribes).”
- Grammatical points:
- Grammatical points:
- について: This is a preposition that indicates the concerning matter or issue.
- とした: This is a phrase that indicates a decision or action taken.
- Structure of the sentence:
- 福岡地検は5日、藤井、今宮両容疑者を同法違反罪で起訴: “On the 5th, the Fukuoka District Public Prosecutors’ Office indicted both suspects Fujii and Imamiya for the same law violation.”
- 、田中容疑者ら2人については処分保留とした: “Regarding Tanaka and the other two, a decision to suspend the disposition was made.”
- Grammatical points:
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