
大阪・茨木市元職員に有罪判決 生活保護受給者紹介する見返りに現金


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
探す (さがす)N4Godan verbto search
優先的 (ゆうせんてき)N2Na-adjectivepreferential
紹介する (しょうかいする)N3Suru verbto introduce
授受する (じゅじゅする)N1Suru verbto give and receive
問われる (とわれる)N2Ichidan verbto be questioned
収賄罪 (しゅうわいざい)N1Nounbribery
被告 (ひこく)N2Noundefendant
贈賄罪 (ぞうわいざい)N1Nounbribery
判決 (はんけつ)N3Nounjudgment
言い渡す (いいわたす)N2Godan verbto pronounce
生活保護 (せいかつほご)N2Nounlivelihood protection
受給者 (じゅきゅうしゃ)N1Nounrecipient
現金 (げんきん)N3Nouncash
執行猶予 (しっこうゆうよ)N1Nounsuspended sentence
追徴金 (ついちょうきん)N1Nounadditional fine
求刑 (きゅうけい)N1Noundemand for a sentence
茨木市 (いばらきし)N1NounIbaraki City
職員 (しょくいん)N3Nounstaff member
豊中市 (とよなかし)N1NounToyonaka City
不動産会社 (ふどうさんがいしゃ)N2Nounreal estate company
代表取締役 (だいひょうとりしまりやく)N1Nounrepresentative director
裁判官 (さいばんかん)N2Nounjudge
生活福祉 (せいかつふくし)N1Nounsocial welfare
課職員 (かしょくいん)N1Nounsection staff
不動産業者 (ふどうさんぎょうしゃ)N2Nounreal estate agent
持ちかける (もちかける)N2Ichidan verbto propose
積極的 (せっきょくてき)N2Na-adjectiveproactive
犯行 (はんこう)N1Nouncrime
職務 (しょくむ)N1Nounduty
前科 (ぜんか)N1Nouncriminal record

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: 収賄罪に問われた元茨木市職員の正瑞(しょうずい)千人(かずひと)被告(38)
    • Explanation of the structure: This sentence consists of a noun phrase describing the subject of the sentence. The noun phrase includes multiple elements: 収賄罪に問われた (accused of bribery), 元茨木市職員の (former Ibaraki city employee), 正瑞千人 (the name Shozui Kazuhito), and 被告 (defendant). These elements are combined to provide detailed information about the defendant in the case.
  2. Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: 茶谷光嗣(こうじ)被告(43)の判決が7日、大阪地裁であった。
    • Explanation of the structure: This sentence describes the location and timing of the judgment related to the defendant Chaya Mitsugi. The structure includes the defendant’s name 茶谷光嗣, the term 被告 (defendant), the age of the defendant (43), and the location and timing of the judgment 大阪地裁であった (took place at Osaka District Court on the 7th).
  3. Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points: 中川綾子裁判官は、正瑞被告に懲役1年6カ月執行猶予3年と追徴金61万3千円を言い渡した。
    • Explanation of the structure: This sentence describes the judgment handed down by the judge Nakagawa Ayako to the defendant Shozui. The structure includes the judge’s name 中川綾子裁判官, the defendant’s name 正瑞被告, the punishment given 懲役1年6カ月執行猶予3年 (1 year and 6 months of imprisonment with a 3-year probation), and the additional fine 追徴金61万3千円 (61,300 yen).


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