
関電元役員側は争う姿勢 原発関連事業発注で「損害」 株主訴訟


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
立地 (りっち)N1Nounlocation, site
与える (あたえる)N3Verb (Godan)to give, to provide
取引 (とりひき)N2Nountransaction, dealings
損害 (そんがい)N3Noundamage, injury
求める (もとめる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to seek, to request
口頭 (こうとう)N2Nounoral, verbal
弁論 (べんろん)N1Noundebate, argument
求める (もとめる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to seek, to request
安全 (あんぜん)N4Nounsafety, security
対策 (たいさく)N3Nouncountermeasure, strategy
発生 (はっせい)N3Nounoccurrence, outbreak
介在 (かいざい)N1Nounintervention, mediation
利益 (りえき)N3Nounprofit, benefit
主張 (しゅちょう)N3Nounclaim, assertion
不当 (ふとう)N2Adjective (な)unjust, unfair
高値 (たかね)N2Nounhigh price, high value
借りる (かりる)N4Verb (Ichidan)to borrow, to rent
意見 (いけん)N3Nounopinion, view
陳述 (ちんじゅつ)N1Nounstatement, declaration
謝罪 (しゃざい)N2Nounapology, apology
発覚 (はっかく)N1Noundiscovery, detection
期待 (きたい)N3Nounexpectation, hope
金品 (きんぴん)N1Nounmoney and goods, bribery
受領 (じゅりょう)N1Nounreceipt, receiving
経営 (けいえい)N2Nounmanagement, administration
悪化 (あっか)N2Noundeterioration, worsening
減額 (げんがく)N1Nounreduction, decrease
役員 (やくいん)N2Nounofficer, executive
補塡 (ほてん)N1Nounsupplementation, filling in
提訴 (ていそ)N1Nounfiling a lawsuit
審理 (しんり)N2Nountrial, legal proceedings
併合 (へいごう)N1Nounmerger, unification
審理 (しんり)N2Nountrial, legal proceedings

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The use of ~側 (がわ) to indicate the side or standpoint of someone.
      • The causative form of the verb 与える (あたえる) to express “to cause (damage)”.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 原発が立地する福井県高浜町の元助役(故人)側や町議側との不当な取引で多額の損害を与えたとして: “Stating that they caused significant damage through unfair transactions with the former deputy mayor (deceased) and the town council side in the town of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, where the nuclear power plant is located.”
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The use of で to indicate the means or method of an action.
      • The 連用形 (れんようけい) form of the verb 介在させる (かいざいさせる) followed by 、 to connect multiple actions.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 原告側は、①原発の安全対策工事で発生した土砂処分に元助役の関連会社を介在させ、不当な利益を得させた: “The plaintiff side claims that they allowed the former deputy mayor’s related company to intervene in the disposal of soil and sand generated from safety measures for the nuclear power plant, and made them gain unfair profits.”
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The use of 通じて (つうじて) to indicate the means or process through which something happens.
      • The potential form of the verb 期待する (きたいする) to express “to expect/hope for something to happen.”
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 弁論では原告の一人が「関電は何度も謝罪会見を開いては、新しい不正が発覚する。訴訟を通じて生まれ変わることを期待する」と意見陳述した: “During the oral argument, one of the plaintiffs stated, ‘TEPCO has repeatedly held apology press conferences, and new misconduct is revealed each time. We hope for a rebirth through the lawsuit.’”


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