
旧ジャニーズ補償本部長を解任 「NHKスペシャル」放送で批判集め


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
解任 (かいにん)N2godan verbto dismiss
発表 (はっぴょう)N2godan verbto announce
取りあげる (とりあげる)N2ichidan verbto take up
批判 (ひはん)N2godan verbto criticize
受ける (うける)N2ichidan verbto receive
求める (もとめる)N2ichidan verbto request
認める (みとめる)N2ichidan verbto acknowledge
亡くなる (なくなる)N2godan verbto pass away
痛めつける (いためつける)N1godan verbto hurt
つらい (つらい)N2い-adjectivepainful
心の底 (こころのそこ)N1nounfrom the bottom of one’s heart
おわび (おわび)N2nounapology
伝える (つたえる)N2ichidan verbto convey
改めて (あらためて)N2adverbagain, anew
寄り添う (よりそう)N2godan verbto get close to
決意 (けつい)N2noundetermination
救済 (きゅうさい)N1nounrelief
取り組む (とりくむ)N2godan verbto tackle
全力 (ぜんりょく)N2nounall one’s strength
尽くす (つくす)N2godan verbto exhaust, to devote
目にあう (めにあう)N2expressionto experience (something bad)
皆さま (みなさま)N2nouneveryone (polite)
かける (かける)N2godan verbto cause (trouble)
すごく (すごく)N2adverbvery, extremely
ちょっと (ちょっと)N3adverba little
(め)N3nouneye, aspect
その後 (そのご)N3adverbafter that
伝えた (つたえた)N2ichidan verbconveyed
体制 (たいせい)N2nounsystem
取り組んで (とりくんで)N2godan verbtackling (in the continuous form)
目にする (めにする)N2expressionto see
つける (つける)N3ichidan verbto attach

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「誰が何を謝るんだというのが、ちょっと今分からなくて。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「誰が何を謝るんだというのが」: This phrase uses the structure 「というのが」 to explain or clarify a situation. Here, it indicates that the speaker is unsure about who should apologize and for what reason.
      • 「分からなくて」: This is the te-form of the verb 「分かる」 (to understand), combined with 「なくて」 to express a lack of understanding. It implies that the speaker cannot comprehend the situation.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into two main parts: the first part is a noun clause (「誰が何を謝るんだというのが」) that serves as the subject, and the second part (「ちょっと今分からなくて」) is the predicate, indicating the speaker’s confusion about the subject.
  2. 「心の底からおわびができない」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「心の底から」: This phrase means “from the bottom of my heart.” It uses the noun 「心」 (heart) with the particle 「の」 to indicate possession, and 「底」 (bottom) to emphasize sincerity.
      • 「おわびができない」: Here, 「おわび」 (apology) is a noun, and 「できない」 is the negative form of the verb 「できる」 (to be able to), indicating an inability to apologize sincerely.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence consists of a phrase indicating the depth of feeling (「心の底から」) followed by the main clause (「おわびができない」), which expresses the inability to apologize sincerely.
  3. 「新体制の下に、あらためて被害にあわれた方々に寄り添っていくという決意を胸に、被害救済に最後まで全力を尽くして取り組んでまいります。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「新体制の下に」: This phrase means “under the new system,” where 「下に」 indicates the condition or context in which the following actions will take place.
      • 「あらためて」: This adverb means “again” or “anew,” indicating a renewed commitment.
      • 「寄り添っていくという決意を胸に」: This phrase uses 「という」 to explain the commitment (「決意」) to support the victims (「寄り添っていく」).
      • 「全力を尽くして取り組んでまいります」: This part expresses a strong commitment to work hard (「取り組む」) and do one’s best (「全力を尽くす」).
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is complex and can be divided into several parts: the introductory phrase (「新体制の下に」), the main action (「被害救済に最後まで全力を尽くして取り組んでまいります」), and the commitment (「寄り添っていくという決意を胸に」) that modifies the main action, indicating the motivation behind the efforts.


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