元文部相・赤松良子さん死去 男女雇用機会均等法の成立に尽力
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
地位 (ちい) | N3 | Noun | position, status |
向上 (こうじょう) | N3 | Noun, Suru verb | improvement, progress |
力を尽くす (ちからをつくす) | N2 | Expression, Suru verb | to do one’s best, to make an effort |
元 (もと) | N3 | Noun, Prefix | former, ex- |
文部相 (もんぶそう) | N1 | Noun | Minister of Education |
日本ユニセフ協会 (にほんゆにせふきょうかい) | N1 | Noun | UNICEF Japan Association |
会長 (かいちょう) | N3 | Noun | chairman, president |
死去 (しきょ) | N1 | Noun, Suru verb | death, passing away |
7日 (なのか) | N4 | Noun | the 7th (of the month) |
同 (どう) | N4 | Noun, Prefix | same, identical |
協会 (きょうかい) | N3 | Noun | association, society |
明らか (あきらか) | N3 | Na-adjective | clear, obvious |
労働省 (ろうどうしょう) | N1 | Noun | Ministry of Labor |
婦人 (ふじん) | N2 | Noun | woman, lady |
局長 (きょくちょう) | N1 | Noun | head of a section, director |
施行 (しこう) | N1 | Noun, Suru verb | enforcement, implementation |
雇用 (こよう) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | employment |
機会 (きかい) | N3 | Noun | opportunity, chance |
均等 (きんとう) | N2 | Na-adjective, Noun | equality, fairness |
法 (ほう) | N4 | Noun | law |
成立 (せいりつ) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | establishment, formation |
父 (ちち) | N5 | Noun | father |
洋画家 (ようがか) | N1 | Noun | Western-style painter |
生まれ (うまれ) | N5 | Noun | birthplace |
卒業 (そつぎょう) | N4 | Noun, Suru verb | graduation |
入る (はいる) | N5 | Godan verb | to enter |
総理府 (そうりふ) | N1 | Noun | Prime Minister’s Office |
問題 (もんだい) | N4 | Noun | problem, issue |
担当 (たんとう) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | in charge of, responsible for |
室長 (しつちょう) | N1 | Noun | head of a section, director |
歴任 (れきにん) | N1 | Noun, Suru verb | serving in various posts |
企業 (きぎょう) | N3 | Noun | company, enterprise |
採用 (さいよう) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | employment, adoption |
昇進 (しょうしん) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | promotion, advancement |
異なる (ことなる) | N3 | Godan verb | to differ, to vary |
取り扱い (とりあつかい) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | handling, treatment |
禁じる (きんじる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to prohibit, to forbid |
奔走 (ほんそう) | N1 | Noun, Suru verb | working hard, making every effort |
登用 (とうよう) | N1 | Noun, Suru verb | appointment, promotion |
昇進 (しょうしん) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | promotion, advancement |
務める (つとめる) | N4 | Ichidan verb | to serve, to work |
初めて (はじめて) | N4 | Adverb | for the first time |
政治 (せいじ) | N3 | Noun | politics |
分野 (ぶんや) | N2 | Noun | field, area |
資金 (しきん) | N1 | Noun | funds, capital |
応援 (おうえん) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | support, cheer |
ネットワーク (ねっとわーく) | N2 | Noun | network |
設立 (せつりつ) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | establishment, founding |
候補者 (こうほしゃ) | N1 | Noun | candidate, nominee |
割合 (わりあい) | N3 | Noun | rate, ratio |
性別 (せいべつ) | N3 | Noun | gender |
市民 (しみん) | N3 | Noun | citizen, townspeople |
団体 (だんたい) | N3 | Noun | organization, association |
超党派 (ちょうとうは) | N1 | Noun | nonpartisan |
議員 (ぎいん) | N2 | Noun | member of the Diet, legislator |
連盟 (れんめい) | N1 | Noun | federation, alliance |
政党 (せいとう) | N2 | Noun | political party |
限り (かぎり) | N3 | Noun | limit, extent |
求める (もとめる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to seek, to request |
成立 (せいりつ) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | establishment, formation |
お別れ (おわかれ) | N3 | Noun, Suru verb | farewell, parting |
開催 (かいさい) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | holding, hosting |
予定 (よてい) | N4 | Noun, Suru verb | plan, schedule |
未定 (みてい) | N2 | Noun, Suru verb | undecided, pending |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- This sentence uses the pattern “noun + は + noun + の + noun” to indicate possession or relationship. In this case, “父は洋画家の麟作氏” means “My father is the artist Rin Sakuhin.”
- The structure of the sentence is simple, with the main point being “1929年、大阪市生まれ” (born in Osaka in 1929), and then providing additional information about the father’s occupation and name.
- This sentence uses the pattern “year + に + action” to indicate the time when an action took place. In this case, “53年に” means “in 1953.”
- The structure of the sentence is straightforward, stating the year of graduation and the subsequent action of entering the Ministry of Labor (now the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
- This sentence uses the pattern “year + に + action” to indicate the time when an action took place. In this case, “93年に” means “in 1993.”
- The structure of the sentence is clear, explaining the year of being appointed from the private sector and then serving as the Minister of Education in the Hosokawa and Hata cabinets.
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