野田元首相、小沢氏に代表選出馬を報告 小沢氏は来週に態度決定
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
会談 (かいだん) | N2 | noun | meeting, conference |
立候補 (りっこうほ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | candidacy, to run for office |
表明 (ひょうめい) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | declaration, to declare |
開く (ひらく) | N2 | verb (godan) | to open, to hold (a meeting) |
決める (きめる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to decide |
交換 (こうかん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | exchange, to exchange |
感想 (かんそう) | N2 | noun | impression, thoughts |
びっくりする (びっくりする) | N2 | verb (irregular) | to be surprised |
指導 (しどう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | guidance, to guide |
よろしく (よろしく) | N2 | adverb | well, favorably |
率いる (ひきいる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to lead |
代表 (だいひょう) | N2 | noun | representative |
党内 (とうない) | N2 | noun | within the party |
会合 (かいごう) | N2 | noun | meeting, gathering |
推す (おす) | N2 | verb (godan) | to recommend |
意見 (いけん) | N3 | noun | opinion |
続ける (つづける) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to continue |
伝える (つたえる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to convey, to tell |
これまで (これまで) | N2 | adverb | until now |
ほか (ほか) | N2 | noun | other |
代表選 (だいひょうせん) | N2 | noun | representative election |
感じる (かんじる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to feel |
率いる (ひきいる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to lead |
参加 (さんか) | N3 | noun/verb (godan) | participation, to participate |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to advance, to promote |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to tackle, to engage in |
反応 (はんのう) | N2 | noun | reaction |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
可能 (かのう) | N2 | な-adjective | possible |
具体的 (ぐたいてき) | N2 | な-adjective | concrete, specific |
進行 (しんこう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | progress, to proceed |
期待 (きたい) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | expectation, to expect |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 小沢氏は来週、自身が率いる党内グループ「一清会」の会合を開き、代表選への対応を決めると応じた。
Grammatical Points:
- 自身が率いる: “自身” (oneself) + “が” (subject marker) + “率いる” (to lead) indicates that 小沢氏 is the one leading the group.
- 党内グループ: “党内” (within the party) + “グループ” (group) refers to a faction within the political party.
- 会合を開き: “会合” (meeting) + “を” (object marker) + “開き” (to hold) indicates the action of holding a meeting.
- 代表選への対応を決める: “代表選” (representative election) + “への” (towards) + “対応” (response) + “を” (object marker) + “決める” (to decide) indicates deciding on a response to the election.
- The main clause is “小沢氏は来週、会合を開き、代表選への対応を決めると応じた.”
- The sentence starts with the subject (小沢氏) and time expression (来週), followed by the actions he will take (holding a meeting and deciding on a response).
Sentence: 野田氏はこの日、「ご指導、よろしくお願いします」と伝えたという。
Grammatical Points:
- この日: “この” (this) + “日” (day) indicates the specific day being referred to.
- ご指導、よろしくお願いします: “ご指導” (your guidance) is a respectful way to refer to guidance, and “よろしくお願いします” (please take care of this) is a polite expression often used in requests.
- 伝えたという: “伝えた” (to convey) + “という” (it is said) indicates that what follows is reported speech.
- The main clause is “野田氏はこの日、伝えたという.”
- The sentence includes a direct quote (“ご指導、よろしくお願いします”) that is reported by 野田氏.
Sentence: 小沢氏はこれまで、野田氏のほかに、枝野幸男前代表(60)や馬淵澄夫元国土交通相(64)、江田憲司元代表代行(68)らとも会談。
Grammatical Points:
- これまで: “up until now” indicates the time frame of past actions.
- のほかに: “のほか” (besides) + “に” (to) indicates that there are additional subjects besides 野田氏.
- や: A conjunction meaning “and” used to list multiple items.
- らとも会談: “ら” (plural marker) indicates a group, and “とも” (also) suggests that meetings were held with these individuals as well.
- The main clause is “小沢氏はこれまで、会談.”
- The sentence lists the individuals with whom 小沢氏 has met, starting with “野田氏のほかに” and followed by the names of others, concluding with “とも会談.”
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