入所者に薬物飲ませ殺害した罪 老人ホーム元職員を鑑定留置経て起訴
Word | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
起訴 | N2 | Noun | indictment, prosecution |
起訴する | N2 | Verb (suru) | to indict, to prosecute |
事件 | N3 | Noun | event, incident |
入所者 | N2 | Noun | resident, inmate |
薬物 | N1 | Noun | drugs, pharmaceuticals |
死亡 | N2 | Noun, Verb | death, to die |
職員 | N2 | Noun | staff, employee |
容疑者 | N2 | Noun | suspect, accused person |
起訴状 | N1 | Noun | indictment, bill of indictment |
勤務先 | N2 | Noun | place of work |
向精神薬 | N1 | Noun | psychotropic drug |
服用 | N2 | Noun, Verb | taking (medicine), to take |
中毒 | N2 | Noun | poisoning, addiction |
殺害 | N1 | Noun, Verb | killing, to murder |
検出 | N2 | Noun, Verb | detection, to detect |
成分 | N2 | Noun | component, ingredient |
持病 | N1 | Noun | chronic disease, chronic illness |
窃盗 | N1 | Noun, Verb | theft, to steal |
窃盗する | N1 | Verb (suru) | to steal |
口座 | N2 | Noun | account, bank account |
現金 | N2 | Noun | cash, money |
引き出す | N2 | Verb (u-verb) | to withdraw (money) |
施設 | N2 | Noun | facility, institution |
同僚 | N2 | Noun | colleague, coworker |
飲み物 | N2 | Noun | drink, beverage |
混入 | N1 | Noun, Verb | mixing in, to mix in |
傷害 | N1 | Noun | injury, harm |
傷害する | N1 | Verb (suru) | to injure, to harm |
清水 | N1 | Noun | Shimizu (surname) |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Grammatical points: に対し (ni taishi) is a conjunction that indicates the target or recipient of an action.
- Structure: This sentence uses the に対し (ni taishi) construction to indicate that the action of administering psychotropic drugs was directed towards 前田裕子さん (Maeda Yūko-san).
- Grammatical points: という (to iu) is a phrase used to indicate that the preceding statement is reported or hearsay.
- Structure: This sentence uses the phrase という to report that the components of the psychotropic drug detected in Maeda’s body were the same as those used by the suspect due to his illness.
- Grammatical points: とされる (to sareru) is a passive form indicating that something is considered or rumored to be the case.
- Structure: This sentence uses the passive form とされる to indicate that the suspect was prosecuted for crimes such as theft, including withdrawing cash from the accounts of Maeda and other residents, and causing injury by mixing psychotropic drugs into a colleague’s drink at the facility.
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