
元横綱白鵬が2階級降格 「師匠の自覚欠如」 弟子の暴力問題で


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
知る (しる)N3Godan verbto know
投げる (なげる)N3Ichidan verbto throw
怠る (おこたる)N2Godan verbto neglect
報告 (ほうこく)N2Nounreport
降格 (こうかく)N1Noundemotion
減俸 (げんぽう)N1Nounsalary reduction
処分 (しょぶん)N2Nounpunishment
分かれる (わかれる)N2Ichidan verbto be divided
解雇 (かいこ)N1Noundismissal
引退 (いんたい)N2Nounretirement
勧告 (かんこく)N1Nounadvice
知りながら (しりながら)N2Adverbwhile knowing
重い (おもい)N3I-adjectiveheavy, serious
幕内 (まくない)N1Nountop division of sumo
殺虫剤 (さっちゅうざい)N1Nouninsecticide
引火 (いんか)N1Nounignition
素行 (すぎょう)N1Nounbehavior
踏まえる (ふまえる)N1Ichidan verbto consider
コンプライアンス (こんぷらいあんす)N1Nouncompliance
暴力 (ぼうりょく)N2Nounviolence
根絶 (こんぜつ)N1Nouneradication
不適当 (ふてきとう)N1Na-adjectiveinappropriate
断じる (だんじる)N1Ichidan verbto conclude
指導 (しどう)N2Nounguidance
師匠 (ししょう)N1Nounmaster, teacher
素養 (そよう)N1Nounaptitude
欠如 (けつじょ)N1Nounlack
任命 (にんめい)N1Nounappointment
監督 (かんとく)N2Nounsupervision

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 力士を指導する師匠としての素養や自覚が大きく欠如しているとし

    • Grammatical points:

      • 師匠としての: “as a master” - this is a noun modifier that describes the qualities or characteristics of someone in the role of a master.
      • 素養や自覚が欠如している: “lacking qualities and awareness” - 欠如する means “to lack” or “to be deficient in.”
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • This sentence describes the qualities and awareness that are significantly lacking in the role of a master who guides sumo wrestlers. The structure is: [師匠としての素養や自覚が大きく欠如している].
  2. 来月の春場所は所属する伊勢ケ浜一門の中で任命された師匠代行が部屋を監督することも決まった

    • Grammatical points:

      • 所属する: “to belong to” - this is a verb that shows the relationship between the subject and the group they belong to.
      • 任命された: “appointed” - this is the passive form of the verb 任命する, meaning “to appoint.”
      • 師匠代行: “acting master” - this is a compound noun that refers to someone temporarily acting as a master.
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • This sentence states that an acting master appointed from within the Isegahama group, to which the subject belongs, will supervise the stable in the upcoming Haru Basho. The structure is: [所属する伊勢ケ浜一門の中で任命された師匠代行が部屋を監督することも決まった].
  3. 弟子を守ることができなかった、その責任を重く受け止めております

    • Grammatical points:

      • 弟子を守ることができなかった: “could not protect the disciple” - this is a verb phrase indicating the inability to protect the disciple.
      • 責任を重く受け止めております: “take responsibility seriously” - this is a humble expression showing the speaker’s acknowledgment of responsibility.
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • This sentence expresses the speaker’s acknowledgment of taking the responsibility for not being able to protect the disciple seriously. The structure is: [弟子を守ることができなかった、その責任を重く受け止めております].


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