
中国共産党の指導者らの「北戴河会議」開始か 長老交え経済など議論


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
幹部 (かんぶ)N2nounexecutive, senior member
長老 (ちょうろう)N2nounelder, senior
集まる (あつまる)N5godan verbto gather, to assemble
話し合う (はなしあう)N2godan verbto discuss
明らか (あきらか)N2い-adjectiveclear, obvious
傾向 (けいこう)N2nountendency
指導 (しどう)N2noun/ichidan verbguidance, leadership
方向性 (ほうこうせい)N2noundirection, orientation
伝える (つたえる)N2ichidan verbto convey, to inform
奮闘 (ふんとう)N2noun/ichidan verbstruggle, endeavor
専門家 (せんもんか)N2nounexpert
ねぎらう (ねぎらう)N2godan verbto express gratitude, to thank
動静 (どうせい)N2nounmovements and stillness
経済 (けいざい)N3nouneconomy
変調 (へんちょう)N2nounchange, alteration
向き合う (むきあう)N2godan verbto face, to confront
課題 (かだい)N2nounissue, challenge
山積 (さんせき)N2nounpiling up, accumulation
改革 (かいかく)N2nounreform
深化 (しんか)N2noun/ichidan verbdeepening
方策 (ほうさく)N2nounpolicy, measure
財政難 (ざいせいなん)N2nounfinancial difficulties
少子高齢化 (しょうしこうれいか)N2noundeclining birthrate and aging population
相次ぐ (あいつぐ)N2godan verbto occur one after another
洪水 (こうずい)N2nounflood
災害 (さいがい)N2noundisaster
引退 (いんたい)N2noun/ichidan verbretirement
交わす (かわす)N2godan verbto exchange
対立 (たいりつ)N2nounconfrontation, conflict
続く (つづく)N5godan verbto continue
見据える (みすえる)N2ichidan verbto foresee, to look ahead
議論 (ぎろん)N2noun/ichidan verbdiscussion, debate
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 経済の減速傾向が明らかになる中で、今年下半期以降の指導部の方向性を話し合うとみられる。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 減速傾向 (げんそくけいこう): “deceleration trend,” a noun phrase indicating a trend of slowing down.
    • 明らかになる (あきらかになる): “to become clear,” a verb phrase in the passive form, indicating that something is becoming evident.
    • 中で (なかで): “in the midst of,” a phrase indicating the context or situation.
    • 話し合う (はなしあう): “to discuss,” a compound verb indicating mutual action.
    • とみられる: “is seen as,” a phrase indicating speculation or perception.


    • The sentence begins with a subject (経済の減速傾向) followed by a verb phrase (明らかになる) and a context phrase (中で). The main clause (今年下半期以降の指導部の方向性を話し合うとみられる) indicates what is expected to happen, with the subject being the leadership’s direction and the verb phrase expressing speculation.
  2. Sentence: 党は7月の中央委員会第3回全体会議(3中全会)で、「改革のさらなる全面深化」の方策を定めた。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 党 (とう): “the party,” a noun indicating the subject of the sentence.
    • 定めた (さだめた): “established,” the past tense of the verb 定める, indicating a completed action.
    • 方策 (ほうさく): “policy,” a noun indicating a plan or strategy.
    • さらなる (さらなる): “further,” an adverb modifying the noun “全面深化.”
    • 全面深化 (ぜんめんしんか): “comprehensive deepening,” a noun phrase indicating the subject of the policy.


    • The sentence starts with the subject (党) followed by a temporal phrase (7月の中央委員会第3回全体会議で) that specifies when the action took place. The main action (「改革のさらなる全面深化」の方策を定めた) describes what the party did, with the object being the policy established.
  3. Sentence: 一方、台湾問題や半導体の輸出規制などで対立が続く米国は11月に大統領選を控える。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 一方 (いっぽう): “on the other hand,” a conjunction indicating a contrast or different perspective.
    • 対立が続く (たいりつがつづく): “the conflict continues,” a phrase where 対立 is the subject and 続く is the verb.
    • 米国 (べいこく): “the United States,” the subject of the sentence.
    • 控える (ひかえる): “to be imminent,” a verb indicating that something is approaching or forthcoming.


    • The sentence begins with a contrasting conjunction (一方) followed by the subject (米国) and a description of the current situation (台湾問題や半導体の輸出規制などで対立が続く). The main clause (11月に大統領選を控える) indicates an upcoming event related to the subject, specifying the timing of the presidential election.


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