長谷川岳議員から叱責うけ反省文 札幌市職員、政策への影響を懸念か
Word (Reading) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
威圧的 (いあつてき) | N1 | い-adjective | intimidating |
繰り返す (くりかえす) | N3 | godan verb | to repeat |
参院 (さんいん) | N1 | noun | House of Councillors (Japanese parliament) |
議員 (ぎいん) | N3 | noun | member of a legislative body |
対し (たいし) | N3 | adverb | towards, against |
幹部 (かんぶ) | N2 | noun | management, executive |
今年 (ことし) | N4 | noun | this year |
書く (かく) | N4 | godan verb | to write |
事実 (じじつ) | N2 | noun | fact |
関係者 (かんけいしゃ) | N2 | noun | person concerned, related person |
文書 (ぶんしょ) | N2 | noun | document |
タイトル | N3 | noun | title |
脱炭素化 (だったんそか) | N1 | noun | decarbonization |
不手際 (ぶてぎ) | N1 | noun | bungling, blunder |
ミス | N3 | noun | mistake |
改善 (かいぜん) | N3 | noun | improvement |
決意 (けつい) | N2 | noun | determination |
提出 (ていしゅつ) | N2 | noun | submission |
上京 (じょうきょう) | N1 | noun | going to Tokyo |
手続き (てつづき) | N2 | noun | procedure |
強い (つよい) | N4 | い-adjective | strong |
叱責 (しっせき) | N1 | noun | rebuke |
急きょ (きゅうきょ) | N1 | adverb | hastily |
延泊 (えんはく) | N1 | noun | staying overnight |
影響 (えいきょう) | N3 | noun | influence |
判断 (はんだん) | N3 | noun | judgment |
政策 (せいさく) | N2 | noun | policy |
推進 (すいしん) | N1 | noun | promotion |
欲しい (ほしい) | N4 | い-adjective | wanted |
申し入れ (もうしいれ) | N1 | noun | proposal |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
The sentence “市は「私的な内容が含まれる」として非公開としたが、反省文の存在を含めて事実関係を認めた。” is difficult to understand because of the use of the phrase “として” which indicates the reason or cause for a certain action. In this case, it is used to explain the reason why the city decided not to disclose the information. The structure of the sentence is as follows: [reason for action] + として + [action taken].
The sentence “市は「私的な内容が含まれる」と回答した。” is challenging due to the use of the quotation marks and the verb “回答する” which means “to respond.” The structure of the sentence is: [subject] + は + [quotation] + と + [verb].
The sentence “市は「書いた職員の私的な思い、内容が含まれており、公開はできない」と回答した。” is complex because of the use of the phrase “書いた職員の私的な思い、内容が含まれており” which means “contains personal thoughts and content written by the staff.” The structure of the sentence is: [subject] + は + [quotation] + と + [verb].
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