10日にかけて日本海側に大雪や強風の見込み 青森や岐阜で3人死亡
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
強い (つよい) | N2 | い-adjective | strong |
冬型 (ふゆがた) | N2 | noun | winter pattern |
気圧 (きあつ) | N2 | noun | atmospheric pressure |
降雪 (こうせつ) | N2 | noun | snowfall |
大雪 (おおゆき) | N2 | noun | heavy snow |
見込み (みこみ) | N2 | noun | expectation, forecast |
死者 (ししゃ) | N2 | noun | deceased person |
注意 (ちゅうい) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | caution; to pay attention |
立ち往生 (たちおうじょう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | stranded; to be stranded |
乱れ (みだれ) | N2 | noun | disorder |
停電 (ていでん) | N2 | noun | power outage |
倒木 (とうぼく) | N2 | noun | fallen tree |
流れ込む (ながれこむ) | N2 | godan verb | to flow in |
寒気 (さむけ) | N2 | noun | cold air |
発達 (はったつ) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | development; to develop |
埋もれる (うもれる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to be buried |
確認 (かくにん) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | confirmation; to confirm |
予想 (よそう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | prediction; to predict |
多い (おおい) | N3 | い-adjective | many, much |
控える (ひかえる) | N2 | godan verb | to refrain |
変更 (へんこう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | change; to change |
活用 (かつよう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | utilization; to utilize |
進む (すすむ) | N3 | godan verb | to advance |
近づく (ちかづく) | N3 | godan verb | to approach |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N2 | godan verb | to tackle |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | influence; to influence |
伝える (つたえる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to convey |
進行 (しんこう) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | progress; to progress |
直面 (ちょくめん) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | facing; to face |
影響を与える (えいきょうをあたえる) | N1 | verb (する) | to influence |
取り扱う (とりあつかう) | N2 | godan verb | to handle |
予測 (よそく) | N2 | noun/verb (する) | prediction; to predict |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 気象庁は車両の立ち往生や公共交通機関の乱れ、停電や倒木などに注意を呼びかけている。
Grammatical Points:
- 注意を呼びかける (ちゅういをよびかける): This phrase means “to call for attention” or “to urge caution.” It is a compound verb where “呼びかける” (yobikakeru) means “to call out” or “to appeal,” and “注意” (chūi) means “attention” or “caution.”
- や: This particle is used to list items in a non-exhaustive way, similar to “and” in English. It implies that there are other items not mentioned.
- など: This means “etc.” or “and so on,” indicating that the list is not complete.
- The subject is “気象庁” (the Meteorological Agency).
- The main verb is “呼びかけている” (is calling for attention).
- The objects of attention are “車両の立ち往生” (stranded vehicles), “公共交通機関の乱れ” (disruption of public transportation), “停電” (power outages), and “倒木” (fallen trees), connected by “や” and “など.”
Sentence: 上空約5500メートルに零下30度以下の強い寒気が流れ込み、局地的な雪雲が発達。
Grammatical Points:
- 流れ込む (ながれこむ): This verb means “to flow in.” It is a compound verb where “流れ” (nagare) means “flow” and “込む” (komu) indicates the action of entering or flowing into something.
- 局地的な (きょくちてきな): This adjective means “local” or “regional,” describing the type of snow clouds.
- 発達 (はったつ): This noun means “development” or “growth,” often used in meteorological contexts to describe the intensification of weather phenomena.
- The first part of the sentence describes the condition of the atmosphere: “上空約5500メートルに零下30度以下の強い寒気が流れ込み” (Strong cold air below minus 30 degrees is flowing in at an altitude of about 5500 meters).
- The second part states that “局地的な雪雲が発達” (local snow clouds are developing), indicating the result of the cold air flowing in.
Sentence: 10日午後6時までの24時間に予想される降雪量は多いところで、東北、北陸、東海で70センチ▽北海道、関東甲信、近畿、中国で60センチ▽四国30センチ▽九州北部25センチ。
Grammatical Points:
- 予想される (よそうされる): This is the passive form of the verb “予想する” (yosō suru), meaning “to predict” or “to forecast.” The passive form indicates that the prediction is made by someone (in this case, the Meteorological Agency).
- 降雪量 (こうせつりょう): This noun means “amount of snowfall,” where “降雪” (kōsetsu) means “snowfall” and “量” (ryō) means “amount.”
- 多いところで (おおいところで): This phrase means “in places where it is heavy,” indicating that the following figures are the maximum expected amounts.
- The sentence begins with “10日午後6時までの24時間に予想される降雪量は” (The predicted amount of snowfall for the 24 hours until 6 PM on the 10th).
- It then lists the expected snowfall amounts in various regions, using “で” to indicate the location and “センチ” (centimeters) to specify the measurement. The structure is a series of clauses that provide specific snowfall predictions for different areas.
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