
10日にかけ東北、北陸、岐阜で警報級大雪か 気象庁など緊急発表


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
流れ込む (ながれこむ)N2godan verbto flow in
大雪 (おおゆき)N2nounheavy snow
発生する (はっせいする)N2irregular verbto occur
控える (ひかえる)N2godan verbto refrain
変更する (へんこうする)N2irregular verbto change
活用する (かつようする)N2irregular verbto utilize
形成する (けいせいする)N2irregular verbto form
予想する (よそうする)N2irregular verbto predict
特徴 (とくちょう)N2nouncharacteristic
強まる (つよまる)N2godan verbto strengthen
警戒 (けいかい)N2nounvigilance
交通障害 (こうつうしょうがい)N2nountraffic obstruction
巻き込まれる (まきこまれる)N2ichidan verbto be involved
解消する (かいしょうする)N2irregular verbto resolve
予想 (よそう)N3nounexpectation
降雪 (こうせつ)N2nounsnowfall
倒壊する (とうかいする)N2irregular verbto collapse
おそれ (おそれ)N2nounfear, apprehension
受ける (うける)N2ichidan verbto receive
浸水 (しんすい)N2nounflooding
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance
もたらす (もたらす)N2godan verbto bring about
立ち往生 (たちおうじょう)N2nounbeing stranded
交通 (こうつう)N3nountransportation
低気圧 (ていきあつ)N2nounlow pressure
監視 (かんし)N2nounmonitoring
予想される (よそうされる)N2ichidan verbto be expected
進行する (しんこうする)N2irregular verbto proceed
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
特別 (とくべつ)N2な-adjectivespecial
期間 (きかん)N2nounperiod

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「気象庁と国土交通省は8日、大雪に関する緊急発表を実施。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「に関する」: This is a compound phrase where 「に」 indicates the relation and 「関する」 means “related to” or “concerning.” It modifies the noun that follows it.
      • 「実施」: This noun means “implementation” or “execution.” It is often used in formal contexts.
    • Structure:

      • Subject: 「気象庁と国土交通省」 (Meteorological Agency and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
      • Time: 「8日」 (on the 8th)
      • Object: 「大雪に関する緊急発表」 (emergency announcement concerning heavy snowfall)
      • Verb: 「実施」 (implemented)
      • The sentence conveys that the two agencies made an emergency announcement regarding heavy snowfall on the 8th.
  2. Sentence: 「降雪が続く地域では、積雪や路面凍結、猛吹雪による交通障害に警戒が必要だ。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「による」: This phrase indicates causation, meaning “due to” or “caused by.” It connects the cause (in this case, the heavy snowfall, frozen roads, and blizzards) to the effect (traffic disruptions).
      • 「警戒が必要だ」: This phrase means “it is necessary to be vigilant.” The structure emphasizes the necessity of caution.
    • Structure:

      • Subject: 「降雪が続く地域では」 (in areas where snowfall continues)
      • List of causes: 「積雪や路面凍結、猛吹雪による交通障害」 (traffic disruptions caused by snow accumulation, frozen roads, and blizzards)
      • Conclusion: 「警戒が必要だ」 (it is necessary to be vigilant)
      • The sentence warns that in areas experiencing ongoing snowfall, vigilance is required due to potential traffic disruptions.
  3. Sentence: 「能登半島地震の被災地では、地震で損傷した家屋が、積雪の重みで倒壊するおそれがある。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「おそれがある」: This phrase means “there is a fear that” or “there is a possibility that.” It expresses concern about a potential negative outcome.
      • 「で」: This particle indicates the means or cause, linking the weight of the snow to the potential collapse of the buildings.
    • Structure:

      • Location: 「能登半島地震の被災地では」 (in the disaster area of the Noto Peninsula earthquake)
      • Subject: 「地震で損傷した家屋」 (houses damaged by the earthquake)
      • Condition: 「積雪の重みで」 (due to the weight of the snow)
      • Conclusion: 「倒壊するおそれがある」 (there is a possibility of collapse)
      • The sentence warns that in the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, houses that were damaged may collapse due to the weight of the accumulating snow.


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